Yes Chef, No Chef - By Susan Willis Page 0,125

to death.”

Katie squeezed her hand. “Oh love, don’t spoil it all by worrying. You’ve waited too long to find him.”

“I know, but nobody gets to be this happy and for it to last, do they?” she asked with a frown creasing her forehead. “I mean, look at you and Tim. There wasn’t a better couple more suited and in love with each other than you guys were and look what happened?”

Lisa snorted lightly grinning at Sarah. “Oh, but you’re not the only one with news. Is she, Katie?”

Katie beamed at them and brought Sarah up to date with the emails they’d exchanged and how she had high hopes that they were going to make another go of it.

Sarah practically squealed with delight. “Oooh, Katie, how great is that? You must be over the bloody moon!”

“Well, its early days but at least we’re talking and he sounds as though he can’t wait to see me when he gets home. But I’m following Lisa’s advice and taking it slowly.”

Lisa blushed slightly and Sarah teased her. “Well now, Lisa giving advice about love and relationships, that’s got to be a first.”

They all laughed and ordered lunch while Sarah told them how Simon’s lease on his flat was coming to an end and instead of looking for another she’d asked him to move in with her.

Lisa put her knife and fork together on her plate and looked seriously at Sarah. “Er, I really don’t want to be the one to burst your balloon, love, but please be sensible about this. I know he’s Mr Right and all but please think about drawing up an agreement before he moves in. If, heaven forbid, he doesn’t turn out to be your knight in a shining T-shirt I’d hate to see you out of pocket on top of everything else. We single girls have to take precautions in all our areas,” she said.

Katie tittered and Sarah smiled. “It’s ok. He’s already had one done and it was at his insistence not mine.”

“Jeez, Sarah, I love him already!” Lisa gushed. “And when do we get to vet, I mean, meet Mr Right?”

Sarah shook her head slightly in mock disapproval but the corners of her mouth were twitching in amusement. “Well, I’m one ahead of you on this one. I’m going to throw a ‘come meet my friends and family party’ for him next week. But there again, after hearing Katie’s news I might change it to the weekend after and then if Tim is back he can come too.”

Katie smiled, nodded her agreement and offered to bake a cake while Lisa produced her filofax and pen and they threw themselves into planning the party.

From katie.charles to tim.davies

Hey, no answer to last night’s email? Are we still ok? I have an invite for you to Sarah’s party…..

Your Kate. X

From tim.davies to katie.charles

Sorry, darling. Lost my signal in the hotel last night because there was a freak thunderstorm and I was just booting up the lap top now to see if I could get it working and if not I was going to ring you. I can’t believe I’ve been so stupid? I mean, just giving up on what we had together – I must have been crazy. All I can say is letting you go was the biggest mistake of my life. Nothing was the same when you’d gone and everything in my life was upside down and the worst thing was I didn’t know how to get it back onto an even keel again until I’d confronted my demons. I’ve missed you so much - there’s no one comes close to you, Kate, and whether you decide to forgive me or not, which I probably don’t deserve, I will always love you…….


Katie gaped at the words she’d been longing to see and sat back in the chair. Oh, thank you, God, she cried with tears of relief running down her cheeks. She knew without a moment’s hesitation she was going to give him another chance.

From katie.charles to tim.davies

Oh Tim, it’s already forgiven and if you want to give us another chance you’ve just made me the happiest girl in London tonight (well, next to Sarah, of course). But you do need to know if that arrogant, selfish prat you’d become shows his ugly face again - I’ll be off like a shot. However, I am still in love with you, so let’s put it all behind us now and start afresh. After my embarrassing escapade in Copyright 2016 - 2024