Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,40

would like to show you something.”

She gave me a skeptical look. “Like what?”

I smirked. “You’ll just have to wait.”

Bobby drove us back to my headquarters. The building was huge and dominated the block. A doorman opened the door for us. I didn’t miss the surprise on her face when she walked into the massive lobby that was similar to that of a hotel with plenty of comfortable seating around the place.

“Is that a bar?” she asked while looking to the far left of the lobby.

“It is,” I answered.

“You have a bar in your office building,” she said with a laugh. “I think that says it all. Your employees need liquor at the ready to get through a day.”

“Very funny,” I mumbled and walked her to the bar. “It’s a coffee bar as well. My staff and tenants that work in the building appreciate having a good place to get top-quality coffee throughout the day.”

“And stiff drinks,” she said with a laugh.

Davin was just coming in. He gave me a funny look when he saw Saige. I replied with a subtle shake of my head that said not now. I didn’t care to make the introductions.

“This way,” I told her and walked to the elevators.

“Where are we going?”

“My office.”

“You own the building?” she asked.

“Yes,” I answered.

“Are you showing off?”

I shook my head. “Nope, I just want to show you what my offices look like. We occupy three floors.”

I stepped off the elevator and gave her the grand tour of the floor with the HR department along with marketing and advertising. I didn’t get the same warm greeting as Mary, but my people were dedicated to doing their jobs.

“This is my floor,” I said when the elevator doors slid open again.

There was a quiet buzz to the place. Everyone was working, doing exactly what they were paid to do. There were a few nods as we made our way to my office. No one rushed out to hug me and I wouldn’t have appreciated it if they had. I didn’t do the hugging thing. I didn’t think that belonged in the workplace at all, but that was something to be discussed later.

I opened the doors to my office and gestured for her to enter. “Wow,” she said as she walked in. “Why are you wasting time at our offices when you could be here?”

“Because I need to be at the tax firm right now,” I said and closed the doors behind us. “Can I get you something to drink?” I walked to the fully stocked bar and opened the fridge.

“Water, please,” she murmured as she moved toward the windows. “This view is amazing.”

“Yes, it is,” I answered and handed her the water.

“No one said a word to you,” she said without looking at me. “Doesn’t that bother you?”

“Nope. They are working. Did you hear any chatter?”

She slowly turned to face me. “No. I heard nothing. I felt nothing. We could have been walking through a museum.”

I smiled. “Exactly.”

“That’s what you want our office to be like?”

I nodded while staring into her blue eyes. “I do.”

Her eyes dropped to my mouth. I wasn’t sure what changed, but there was a definite shift in the air. I stepped away from her and walked across the plush carpeting and locked my office door. I wasn’t going to assume anything was going to happen, but I was going to be prepared.

She was still standing in front of the window and watching me as I crossed the room toward her once again. “They’re all out there doing their jobs. No one is complaining. No one is looking for accolades. They get paid well and they know what I want.”

“And what you want, you get?” she asked.

I stopped about a foot in front of her. “Usually.”

“Does that get you off?” she whispered. “Being in control? Feeling powerful?”

“That’s not how I get off, but I think you know that,” I said in a husky voice and took a step closer to her. “You can’t tell me you forgot what gets me off.”

Her eyes locked on mine. I knew she wanted me. She hated me, but she wanted me. I decided to take what we both wanted. I leaned forward and kissed her. I half-expected her to knee me in the balls. When she grabbed my waist and jerked me forward, I knew my balls were safe.

Chapter 17


His mouth opened wide, making room for my tongue to slide right in. I had a white-knuckle grip on his waist and suddenly Copyright 2016 - 2024