Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,39

Saige gushed. “How are the kids?”

“Oh, I don’t think I can call them kids anymore.” She laughed. “They have kids of their own.”

While the two women caught up, my eyes wandered around the office. There were three small offices on one side with employees completely focused. The office was small and outdated with the ugliest fluorescent lighting I’d ever been subjected to.

“What brings you by?” I heard Mary ask.

“I wanted to show my boyfriend where I used to work,” Saige said. “I’m taking a walk down Memory Lane and you are a big part of my roots.”

“Oh, that’s so sweet,” the older woman said. “I’m just glad I get to say I knew you when. Now I hear you’re working at one of the big firms.”

“I am,” Saige agreed. “I love my job.”

The phone rang, pulling Mary away for a few. “What are we doing here?” I hissed. “Seriously, you worked in a small office. Big deal.”

“Mary is the big deal,” she shot back. “Follow me. I want to show you my old office.”

We walked to the small windowless office that was closest to the waiting room. “Hello,” she said when the woman working in the office looked up. “I’m Saige. I used to work in this office forever ago.”

“I’m Carla,” the woman said. “I’ve only been here a few months.”

“How do you like it?” Saige asked.

“I love it. Mary is truly the best boss ever.”

“Is this your first CPA job?” she asked, continuing her questioning.

Carla shook her head. “No, actually, I worked at one of the larger firms before here.”

“Really?” Saige said with surprise. “Uptown?”

“In Jersey.”

“What brought you here?” Saige pressed.

The woman sighed. “I couldn’t deal with the corporate stuff anymore. I love what I do, but I didn’t feel like I was valued. I hated going to work every day. My friend, who just happens to work next door to me, told me her work was hiring. I came in and met Mary and made the leap. It’s less pay, but I don’t care. I love working here.”

I got it. Her little field trip was supposed to show me how much I sucked, and Mary was great. I listened to them chat for a few minutes before Mary came back. I stayed out of the way while they talked a bit more. I was growing impatient and didn’t try to hide it.

“Thanks so much for letting me stop by, Mary,” Saige said. “I know you’re busy right now.”

The two hugged once again and then we were free. When we were outside, I turned to look at her. She was smiling like she was really happy. “Was that for show?” I asked.

“No, that was me catching up with an old friend who happens to be the owner of that little place,” she said.

I opened the car door for her before going around to get in on the other side. “I’m sure you have a point to make.”

“I do,” she said. “Mary doesn’t own a big firm, but she is the most successful person I’ve ever met.”

“How can you say that?” I asked. “She works in a closet with three employees.”

“Those employees love her. I love her. I hated when I left but I had to do it for me. I needed to keep climbing and I knew I couldn’t do it there. That doesn’t mean I wanted to leave. I still keep in touch with her. Everyone who has ever got to work with her keeps in touch.”


“And those employees make less than what you pay, but I guarantee they will always choose Mary over your firm any day of the week.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Are you telling me you are quitting?”

“No, I’m telling you Mary should be someone you model your own business after. I have modeled my management style after her and I feel like I’ve done very well. It’s about treating people right. The better they’re treated, the harder they are going to work. They want to help you be successful and will put forth the extra effort. You can’t force people to work harder. I mean yes, you might get some results initially, but those people are eventually going to leave you and work somewhere else. No one wants to work for a tyrant.”

“I’ve been called worse,” I said with a small laugh.

“I have no doubt in my mind that you have. Do you understand what I’m trying to show you?”

“I do. I get it and I will take your advice into consideration. Now I Copyright 2016 - 2024