Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,41

felt the need to feel his skin. I needed to have his body against mine. I jerked the shirt up, pulling it from his pants. My hands slipped under the shirt and brushed over his skin that felt overheated.

His hands reached around me and grabbed my ass. He jerked my body against his as his mouth devoured mine. There was a ferocity to the kiss that fueled my passion like I had never experienced before. My nails dragged over his chest. I felt him jerk as he sucked in a breath.

“I knew you remembered,” he hissed against my mouth.

I hated it, but I remembered every little detail. I reached for the belt buckle and quickly undid it. There was a desperation inside me I couldn’t explain. I had to have him. Nothing was going to stop me from getting what I wanted. I jerked the pants open and stuck my hand inside, wrapping my fingers around his swollen member.

“I remembered this,” I told him and tugged on him.

He grunted, his head going back before he leaned forward and looked me in the eyes. “I might need a refresher,” he whispered.

His hands reached for the hem of my skirt and hiked it up. “Window!” I gasped when I realized I was exposed from the waist down.

“Tinted. No one can see in.”

“Oh,” I said and returned my attention to the more pressing matters in hand. I squeezed his cock and pulled another grunt from him.

His hand reached for my panties and jerked them down. I shimmied out of them and kicked them from my ankles. “You want this,” he hissed as he cupped between my legs.

“Just do it,” I snapped.

I wasn’t interested in conversation or fueling that alpha-male thing. I was doing this for me, not him. He chuckled before attacking my neck with teeth and tongue. “Always so demanding,” he murmured as his fingers slid over my folds.

I dropped his cock and wrapped my arms around him. I felt unsteady and was afraid I would collapse. The pleasure he was giving me with just a few well-placed kisses on my neck and his hand between my legs threatened to knock me to my knees.

“That’s it,” he encouraged. “Hold on tight.”

He pushed a finger inside me. I stifled the cry that tried to escape my throat. I was going to come. The man had barely done anything, and I was ready to come apart in his arms. I didn’t want him to get the satisfaction, but damn if I didn’t want my own.

“Don’t stop,” I groaned.

“Not a chance in hell.”

He pushed the finger in deeper. I was on my tippy toes with my heels still on. His other hand wrapped around me, anchoring me to his body while he pushed a second finger inside. It had been too long, and my body had been starving for this kind of attention. Trying to stop the orgasm would be like trying to stop a speeding freight train with my finger.

I arched, my head going back as my nails dug into his shoulders through his shirt. “Holy shit,” he breathed. “Fuck me. I have to be inside you. I have to feel this.”

He released me and pushed down his pants with jerky hands. I was still spasming from the orgasm. My vision actually blurred. His hands were on me again, pushing me back before lifting me a few inches and dropping me on the corner of his desk. He stepped between my legs and returned his hand to intimately touch me.

“You’re not done yet,” he growled.

I wanted to tell him I was, but damn if I wasn’t craving his dick. I wiggled a bit on the desk and opened my legs a little wider. He was a large man in every sense of the word. A moment later, he was rolling on a condom and was pushing inside of me. There was some resistance initially. I wiggled and opened my legs wider.

“Stop,” he gasped. “Stop fucking moving.”

“I can’t. It won’t. Please.” I couldn’t form sentences. My brain was overloaded with a hundred different sensations of pleasure. I was certain I was going to implode. Every cell in my body had suddenly awoken. There was a hum of excited electricity pumping through my veins as he entered my body one glorious inch at a time.

“Don’t stop,” I begged. “Oh god, please don’t stop.”

I could hear his ragged breathing as his forehead rested on my shoulder. “Shh,” he murmured. “Stop. I can’t hold back if you keep Copyright 2016 - 2024