Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,161

this serious?”

He laughed. “Sorry. Okay, tell me what the problem is again. I think I missed something.”

“She is asking about me. Like my personal life. I don’t talk about that. It isn’t something I share. Why does that have to be a thing?”

“You act like it’s weird that she wants to know more about you. Newsflash, but that’s what people do when they are in a relationship.”

I flinched. “We’re not in a relationship. What are you talking about?”

“Let’s see, you’ve been sleeping with her for weeks. You took her to California and had a little vacation. And last night you had a sleepover. Don’t you think that makes a relationship?”

When he put it all out like that, I could see why he thought it was. “Okay, I’ll accept there is a relationship but not like a real one. Why does she need to know about my relationship with my dad? That feels very personal.”

“It is personal, asshole. That’s why it’s a relationship.”

I shook my head before taking a long drink. “I always forget how much I dislike you. You are truly one of the least helpful people I know.”

“And I’ll remind you I’m your only friend.”

“How could I forget?” I muttered.

“She wants to know more about you because she’s letting you hang out with her kid. She can’t have some psycho around her son. She’s vetting you.”

“Vetting me?” I questioned.

“Because statistics show abuse tends to be passed down,” he said. “My girl wanted to make sure I was in a good head space before our baby is born.”

“I’m nothing like my father,” I said with a vehemence that surprised even me. “I would never do what my father did to me.”

“You’ve never told me about your family,” he said. “I’ve known you for years and I don’t know anything about who you really are.”

“I don’t talk about my family.”

“No shit, but that’s weird. I’ve told you about my family.”

I smiled. “Yes, you have.”

“So, was your dad an abusive prick? Physically?”

“No, nothing like that. Hell, he’d have to acknowledge I existed to beat on me. He just didn’t want to see me. He left us when I was young and that was that. I don’t have a relationship with him.”

“What about your mom?”

“She’s dead.”

“Just the way you say that makes me uncomfortable,” he said.

I scoffed. “Why?”

“Because you are cold. It confuses people.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“Most people drop hints about their lives,” he explained. “No one expects you to pour out your heart and soul, but you are a closed book. I ask about your mom and you said she’s dead like you don’t know her.”

“She is dead. Was I supposed to lie?”

He sighed and shook his head. “No, most people would say their loved one passed away or she’s no longer with us.”

I curled my lip. “That sounds like a lot of words to express the same thing. I’m not one of those touchy-feely people. I prefer to be blunt and to the point.”

“Okay, I get it, but I’m just trying to explain to you why your girl is asking questions,” he said. “She just wants to know you.”

“Too weird,” I said.

“Are you going to see her again?” he asked.

“I imagine I will. Why?”

“I was thinking maybe you could talk to her about this stuff.”

“We did until we didn’t. I don’t think digging up the past does any good. I told her the basics. That should be enough. I don’t see any benefit to giving her all the dirty details. It will just raise more questions. I don’t want to relive those days. They weren’t good. I’ve moved past them.”

“Look, I get it. I don’t expect you to tell me all that stuff, but your girl will. She’ll expect you to open up and spill your guts. Girls dig that. They like to get in your head. It makes them feel closer to you. They like that.”

“She’s not my girl,” I refuted.

“Shit, who are you kidding? She is.”

“What about you?” I asked. “How’s your girlfriend?”

“Good. She’s getting morning sickness a lot more. The doctor said it was supposed to go away. It just keeps getting worse.”

“That sucks. Why did she let you out tonight?”

“Her friend was coming over. Her pregnant friend. They want to do girl stuff and didn’t want me in the way. It wasn’t like I wanted to hear what they said. I already know way more than I want to about her body.”

“Spare me the details.”

“Trust me, I will. I’m not that cruel.”

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