Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,160

to talk about is my father. Can you drop it?”

I patted his chest. “I’m sorry. I won’t push it. I hate to see you carrying around the burden.”

“It’s not a burden. He doesn’t matter to me. He walked out of my life a long time ago. I’m not going to think about it. He doesn’t deserve my time or energy. Now, I’m done talking about it.”

I pushed him too far. I had no business meddling. I rubbed his chest. “Okay. I don’t want to push it. Do you mind if we take a little nap before we start round two?”

“I’m way ahead of you,” he murmured. “Thirty minutes.”

I smiled but didn’t point out he said ten minutes earlier. We had worked extra hard. I didn’t mind snuggling with him. It was a nice change to quickies in the office. But I couldn’t get used to it. I didn’t want him to break my heart again.

This was nothing more than a little hot sex with no strings attached.

Chapter 64


I walked her to the door. “Are you sure you guys don’t want to hang out?” I asked Saige.

“I wish I could,” she said. “I have to take Jace to his competition thing for the STEM program he’s in.”

I nodded. I couldn’t ask them to give up something important to hang out with an old guy like me. “Tell him good luck for me.”

“I will. Enjoy your Saturday. Don’t work. Just kick back and relax. Go swimming in that fabulous pool.”

I smiled. “I might do that.”

“I’m serious. Anything to do with business or money can wait until Monday. You can take a day. Besides, I think you might need to recover.”

I laughed. “I might take a nap. What about you?”

“What about me?”

“Are you going to take a nap?” I asked.

She threw her head back and laughed. “I’m a mom. I don’t nap.”

She left and I was once again alone. It was nice having a sleepover. If she wasn’t careful, I was going to get used to it and want it again. Now I had to figure out what to do with myself. I was so bored. My life felt empty. What the hell was I doing? I needed to get a hobby. A real hobby. Maybe I needed to think about dating seriously. But if I did date, I couldn’t have Saige. I didn’t think she would want to date me. Not after she brought up the past. I hurt her back then. I knew I did but to hear her say it made it all the more real.

That afternoon, Davin called and invited me out for drinks. How could I say no to that? It was the best and only option I had. The day dragged on. I felt like I was counting down the minutes to go to the bar. I really needed to get a life.

I got to the bar early because I couldn’t wait to get out of my house. Davin arrived about fifteen minutes after I did. “This is a first,” he said.


“You beating me anywhere. I’m always waiting on you. You are always running late because you are trying to make another million or two.”

“Not today,” I said and sipped my drink. “I think I’m leaning toward the idea of changing some things in my life.”

“What does that mean?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m in a weird place. Things are strange in my life.”

“How so?”

“Saige stayed the night.”

His brows shot up. “You let someone stay the night at your house?”


“Wow. That is serious.”

“I’m not sure it is,” I said. “I don’t know what it is. Things are weird.”

“How so?” he asked.

“I took her to my childhood home,” I said.

“I thought you grew up in California.”

“I did,” I told him. “When we went to California, I took her to see it.”

“Wow,” he said with surprise. “That’s a huge step. That’s like taking her home to meet the parents.”

“If my mom was alive, I probably would have. What does that mean?”

He smiled. “I think that means you like her. I took my girlfriend to meet my parents.”

“You knocked up your girlfriend. I think it’s kind of a given she would meet your parents.”

“It’s a big deal. Why’d you take her to the childhood house?”

“We were in San Francisco and I had a moment. I wanted to explain to Jace I was not born into money. But that’s not the real issue.”

“What is?”

“She’s asking questions,” I said.

“About? Do you have a sordid past? Criminal?”

I rolled my eyes. “Can you take Copyright 2016 - 2024