Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,162

baby due?”

“Well, I would tell you five months, but I would be wrong. We have to count weeks. She’s sixteen weeks. So, we have twenty-four weeks to go.”

“I’m confused. I thought they were pregnant for nine months.”

He smiled. “That’s what they tell you, but it’s a lie. It’s forty weeks. Forty damn weeks she’s pregnant. That’s nine full months and then some. I’m going to lose my shit.”

I laughed. “Why?”

“Man, she cries at everything. When she isn’t crying, she’s complaining she has to pee or she’s sick to her stomach. I love her but I hope this gets better.”

“You’re seriously complaining about how miserable you are when she’s the one that is actually pregnant? You’re supposed to be supportive.”

“I am, but I thought this was supposed to be about her big belly and me getting to feel the baby kick. I’m supposed to get her pickles and ice cream. We’re supposed to be picking out cribs and stuff like that. Instead, it’s me keeping her head out of the toilet and giving her ginger ale and crackers while she cries.”

I laughed but shut it off when I saw the desperation in his eyes. “I’m sorry. That does sound miserable. I wish I could offer you advice or hope, but this is not something I know anything about. In fact, I have made it my mission not to experience this very thing. Just think, when the kid is born, you’re going to have to deal with shitty diapers and vomit. All without any sleep. I’m not sure how the human race goes on. I would never choose to do it.”

“You choose to practice a lot,” he said.

I winked. “Just in case I change my mind.”

“Let me tell you, it’s rough business. Her friend is sailing through her pregnancy, which just makes things worse.”

“And you left them alone together?”

He nodded. “I did. I wasn’t about to take on two angry, pregnant women. They were ordering pizza and looking through catalogs. That isn’t something I want to be a part of.”

I raised my hand to order another round. “Then I say we get drunk. This might be the last time we get to drink. You’re going to be strapped down with a kid. I still can’t get my head around that. You, a dad.”

“Don’t remind me,” he said. “I panic when I think about being responsible for a completely vulnerable human being.”

“And this is why I don’t have kids,” I said with a smile. “That’s a lot of pressure. I’ll happily take care of millions of dollars and businesses, but not a kid. Kids need things. Money just needs a bank.”

“Nice,” he muttered. “That’s not cynical at all.”

“It’s a hell of a lot easier.”

Something on the TV caught my attention. I focused on the ticker running across the screen and found myself smiling. Davin turned to look. “Ouch,” he said. “I bet that guy isn’t happy.”

“I think you’re probably right,” I said with a smirk. I raised my hand. “Another round please?”

“Was that competition?” he asked.

I shrugged. “Not for me.”

“Weren’t you just there?”

“In California, yes.”

“Weird,” he said. “I guess in your world it’s always about the next one trying to climb their way to the top. Do you have a lot of businesses that try to come after your companies?”

“Nope, because my companies aren’t weak and vulnerable.” I looked at the TV once again. The news had already moved on. “I would never get caught off guard like that. That guy was sleeping on the job and now he’s got nothing.”

“Do you know him?”

“Know who?” I asked.

“Whoever that was on the TV. You’re smiling like you’re happy about it.”

I smiled bigger. “I’m always happy to see an asshole get what they deserve.”

Chapter 65


I stretched and yawned before climbing out of bed. After my sleepless night on Friday, I had gone to bed early last night. I was still tired. I could sleep another two hours, but Jace would be up soon. I didn’t want to be passed out while he fended for himself.

I stuffed my feet in my slippers and pulled my hair into a messy bun before going to the kitchen to start some coffee. I needed coffee and a lot of it. We had nothing planned for the day, and for once, I was looking forward to hanging out at home. We were going to have a pajama day.

I wanted something greasy and heavy for breakfast. While my coffee was brewing, I dug in the freezer and found the bacon I’d Copyright 2016 - 2024