Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,178

nervous. Thick, dripping sweat rolled down his forehead. Wet stains were visible on the collar of his shirt beneath his crisp, white lab coat.

"You see, I took an oath. I value human life. I would have helped because it’s what any decent human being would do. I am not the sort of man that can sit idly and do nothing while the world dies. I. Do. Not. Kill."

Cavil smiled. His mustache twitched as he stretched his lips over his teeth. "Well, that's where we’re different. I don't value human life. I value whatever brings me power or money."

Maverick inched closer to an unsuspecting Allaire while keeping his eyes on Cavil. "I’m learning that we're more alike than you think." Maverick dipped his hands in the pocket of his lab coat, and some dark part of me knew what was coming next. I wanted to close my eyes and preserve the sweet, caring image of the man I love, but I knew I needed to see this side of him, too. The side that would do anything for his family—anything for me.

Maverick pulled the needle from his pocket and wrapped his arm around Allaire's neck, yanking him towards the ground while kneeing him in the face. Allaire coughed and gasped as Maverick held the needle against his throat, the clear liquid sloshing around in the vial. His gurgled screams ricocheted off the walls of the room as blood poured from his nose where Maverick hit him. Allaire squirmed and coughed while trying to get away. I watched, frozen and shocked.

"You. Need. Me. It would be easy. I could poison Allaire right now, and then it’ll just be me left to fix the reject problem," Maverick growled while dropping Allaire on the ground and kicking him aside. "I'm sorry," he whispered before straightening his lab coat. "I can and will kill him if you harm my family again. The only reason I’m not killing him now is because I know it would be a waste. He’s not half as smart as I am, and he sure as hell won’t find the cure without me, at least not before everyone dies."

Allaire moaned while rubbing his face, spreading the blood around his cheeks and nose.

"I’m your only option, Cavil. I'm the one that’s going to fix this. You can try to find the scientists that created X, but it would take them years to come up with half of what I've discovered in a week. Even Allaire recognizes that you need me."

Cavil ran to Allaire and helped him sit up, and for a moment we all just stood there watching. I tore my eyes from the brutal consequence of Maverick’s strength and integrity, to look at Cyler. His eyes were dark and stormy as they watched Maverick's chest go up and down, adrenaline coursing through him like fire.

"I'll kill your little Walker whore and your sister, too. You have no cards to play, Maverick!"

"I HAVE ALL THE CARDS. I'm your only hope. I'm going to be the person to solve this. And you will stand down." Maverick thrust up his sleeve and held his hand out to Cavil. "Like my new fetter? It's been linked to theirs. If you hurt them, you'll hurt me. If you kill them, you kill me. And if you decide to harm them or kill them using other means, I'll kill myself, and you'll be left with the destruction of an empire on your shoulders."

Jacob walked over to me, followed by Kemper. Cyler went to his sister. For a brief moment, I saw her look up at him with fear in her eyes.

"You're bluffing," Cavil spat. He searched his messenger bag for a tablet and yanked it out. His fingers swiped angrily across the screen until he found what he wanted. He looked up at Maverick and slowly pressed the button.

I knew the pain before it hit. It was like time slowed. Huxley held my hand, Jacob held my elbow. I heard Kemper's whispered "be strong" before the crash and fall. Maverick, Jules, and I each hunched over in pain as the electricity coursed through us. The soreness of my body made it ten times worse. My voice was so hoarse that nothing but hot breath broke past my teeth.

When it stopped, I saw Maverick collapse on the floor while gasping for air. He immediately looked to Jules and then to me, checking to make sure we were okay. Although everything within me ached, I nodded yes. He would Copyright 2016 - 2024