Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,179

feel remorseful about today for years to come. I didn't want to add to his guilt by showing signs of pain or weakness.

"You. Need. Me," Maverick said again, this time his voice more strained as he stood tall and stretched his neck. He took his hands and fixed his hair high up on his head while straightening the crisp sleeves of his lab coat.

Cavil's eyes widened in shock as he looked around the room.

Cyler cradled Jules as she sobbed. Huxley held my hand, and I saw that familiar emptiness inside as his protectiveness went into overdrive.

"If you want to live. If you want your people to live. You will leave my family alone."

Chapter Eleven

I felt so many emotions at that moment that it was hard to decipher anger from relief. On one hand, I understood why Maverick did what he did. He had to up the stakes, and make it known to Cavil that he would do whatever was necessary to preserve the safety of his family. It was hard to watch, it was hard to absorb. Maverick, my sweet man with a heart that carried every burden he came across, seemed ruthless now.

"Are you okay?" His hands shook as he spoke, hinting that he, too, felt uncertain.

"What just happened?" Jacob and Patrick wordlessly walked over to Allaire and helped him up off the floor, their muscles straining as they began carrying him upstairs to clean up. He looked at Maverick, and I expected to see anger in his expression, but there was none. He was resigned and frightened, but the slight part of his mouth showed more awe than anything else. He slowly made his way upstairs. I knew without a doubt, that if pushed, Maverick would have killed Allaire today, and I think Allaire realized it, too.

"Cavil needed to value my presence here. I needed him to think I'm his only option, I need him to be so scared to lose me, that he won't hurt you," Maverick explained while puffing out air, blowing red-brown strands of hair out of his eyes.

Cyler pulled up a chair for Jules and helped her sit in it. His stern face, marred with concern, looked over her trembling figure. She kept looking down at her fetter almost in disbelief. It was interesting to watch her process it all. I knew that the entire situation became more real for her just now. The fetter wasn't as much of a threat until you knew the destruction it could wield

"You should go check on Jules," I suggested. Maverick seemed determined to stay by my side, and yet, I needed some space to think and breathe.

"Are you okay?" Huxley asked in a gruff voice. I sensed that he was fighting through an episode and pulling himself together so that he could be present with me. I internally assessed how my body felt, and aside from the aches and pains of my torture, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But there was still a part of me still not okay. There was still a part of me that was angry and struggling through all that had happened the last few days.

"No, I'm not okay," I finally replied. It was as if my words started a chain reaction. One by one, Huxley, Cyler, Kemper, Jacob, Patrick, and Maverick each looked at me with worry.

"Do you feel dizzy? Do you have nausea? How is your vision?" Maverick listed off symptoms as I stood there watching.

Each of them debated on a course of action before I interrupted. "I'm fine physically, but I'm angry with you, Mav." For a brief moment, I looked at Jules and we shared a moment of camaraderie. She crossed her arms over her chest and threw us an amused smile. This entire ordeal helped me understand their family dynamic more. I wasn't sure I could survive a lifetime of Maverick making decisions without me, and I now understood why there was so much tension between them.

"Not only did you risk yourself, but you've now linked Jules to me as well. Did you think to ask her? What if Cavil finds someone else to find the cure? You've angered him. And for what? Now, when it's time to be rescued, you might not be able to go home. This fetter is a leash. All who wear it are tethered to this island, meaning now you, too, might never see Dormas again."

"I'm not tethered to this island, I'm tethered to you! I don't need a fetter to keep Copyright 2016 - 2024