Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,177

he was looking for a fight, and Jules was ready to give it to him.

"Nothing, I'm just surprised you remembered that I had one, that's all."

"Jules," Cyler warned.

"What?" she snapped.

"What’s that supposed to mean?" Maverick paced the floor while frowning at her.

Jules laughed, full and hearty. Her shoulders and stomach shook from the force of it. "I'm just surprised you care, that's all."

"Of course I care!" Maverick screamed. "Ash was brought here half alive and screaming in pain. Do you think I want to see that happen to you, too? To anyone I love or care about?" Tears flowed freely down Jules' face, her red-rimmed eyes squinting beneath a dipped brow. "Stop pushing me away and assuming I don't love you. You're my sister. I'll do what I can. I need you to trust me."

I leaned back against Patrick, too tired to interject. He pressed tighter against me. I opened my mouth to speak, but Allaire entered the lab, distracting us.

"I got it," he said in a whisper while looking cautiously around the room. "I'm not sure this will work though. I know the codes necessary, but what if I mess up? I could kill you!" His voice was rushed and shaky.

"I trust you," Maverick replied while rushing around the lab, gathering supplies.

Allaire dug into the pocket of his lab coat and fished out another fetter. "What's that for?" I asked softly. Patrick wrapped his arms around me tighter, but instead of a comforting hug, it felt more like restraints. "Le-let go." I squirmed against him, but my muscles were too sore. I gave up quickly.

"Ready?" Allaire asked.

"Ready," Maverick replied once standing still. I stared and for a brief moment our eyes connected. Maverick looked like a mixture of pain, guilt and determination.

Within moments, Maverick was snapping the fetter firmly to his wrist, and he gasped out in pain while hunching over. His groans filled the room, and Patrick let me go.

"Wh-why did you do that?!" I asked as loudly as I could while shuffling towards him. Allaire had already abandoned Maverick on the floor and was typing furiously on his computer.

"Three minutes," he said.

"We have two," Cyler interrupted. "Cavil's outside."

Maverick straightened himself, and I watched as he looked over towards a distracted Allaire before slipping a vial and needle into his lab coat.

"Maverick, tell me what’s going on," I whispered again. I was mad at his brash nature. This wasn't the meticulous Maverick I'd grown to love. He was acting out of desperation, and it terrified me.

"Thirty seconds," Cyler warned.

Maverick walked up to me and gently kissed me on the lips. "I love you. I'm so, so sorry." His apologetic expression and glassy eyes appraised me. There was tenderness in his gaze, reminding me of all the little moments we’d shared together. I opened my mouth to reply when Cavil strolled through the metal doors of the laboratory.

"Well hello there, Dormas Leadership!" he said in a cheerful voice that sent shivers down my back. "I've tried not to take it personally that you've all moved out of my home. I am, however, worried you're all distracting Maverick and Allaire from their work."

Cavil looked around the room, and when his eyes landed on me, phantom pain stabbed at my brain. When I winced, his eyes brightened gleefully, and I promised myself not to do that again. I refused to give Cavil the satisfaction of knowing that he affected me.

"I'm thrilled to see you up and well again, Walker. I'm impressed. Last Walker to receive that many sessions went permanently mute and was out for three weeks. I've missed having you serve in my home. I'll expect you back at dinner. "

"No," Maverick said. There was no room for question or doubt in his response.

"Pardon me?" Cavil asked, cocking his head to the side and biting the inside of his cheek.

"I said no. Ash will not serve you or anyone else while we are here. She and my family will remain here in the lab while I work. You will not harm them."

Cavil let out a short chuckle just as I felt a hand grip my wrist, gently tugging me back. While keeping my eyes on Cavil, I backed into Huxley's arms and sunk into his comfort and protection.

"That's quite the request for a prisoner," Cavil growled.

"You've gone about this all wrong. I would have gladly worked with you. Helped your people. But instead, you threaten my family, torture the woman I love," Maverick countered.

Maverick walked up beside Allaire who looked Copyright 2016 - 2024