While You Were Creeping - Poppy Rhys Page 0,46

riding around my hips as my legs circled his waist, ankles locking.

“This fucking tuxedo,” he grunted, popping buttons, and I laughed again. “Shhhh,” he hushed me, “or we’ll be discovered, and there’s no goddamn way I’m leaving this closet until I’ve thoroughly fucked you.”

Oh, sweet, sweet galaxies.

My toes curled and my pussy clenched so tightly it hurt in the most heavenly way. “Yes. Please.” And then I used his own words back at him. “I give you permission to objectify me.”

That earned me an appreciative rumble.

“You... you’re not wearing panties?” His voice, gravely and low, was barely decipherable from a feral snarl.

So, I leaned in close, pressing my lips to his pointed ear. “I said I’d burn all my panties just for you.”

His chest vibrated against mine with his spiraling growl when he positioned the head of his cock, wasting no time before he rolled his hips, shoving into me.

I had to bite my lips just to keep from screaming. The sweet mixture of pleasure and pain, stretching too soon too fast, was quickly swept aside when his extra appendage vibrated against my clit.

A drek, he’d called it. I didn’t care what it was called, I only cared that it was fucking amazing.

The grunts and groans pouring out of Kye on each thrust set every part of my body trembling with lust. I worked with him, tilting my hips to meet him every time.

Every push was deep, thorough, stretching and reaching hidden spots inside me until I was fisting my hands into his mane just to hold tight.

“Holly,” he moaned into my ear, setting off a chain reaction throughout my entire fucking body as I squeezed my eyelids shut and shattered, creaming on his cock.

We moved together, breaths coming faster. Kye’s movements hitched and I felt the moment he burst inside me.

I loved it. Loved everything about it.

Didn’t want it to end. I wanted Kye again, and again. I’d never get enough and, even as he carefully pulled out of me and set me on my feet, I wanted to climb his body like a tree and hop on for round two.

We borrowed some paper towels on the shelf and cleaned up in between bouts of more kisses and gropes.

We said what we wanted with actions.

I want you. I miss you. Even though you’re not gone yet, I miss you.

I... I... I lo—

Voices had us freezing against each other, careful not to make any noise and be discovered.

“Of course I’m pissed,” someone hissed. “She made a fool of herself at my wedding. Did you see the way people stared at them? Ugh!”

My heart sped up for a different reason altogether now.

“I asked around and no one’s even heard of the guy.” Amelie. “They seemed to be having fun.” She chuckled before sucking it down. “I mean, yeah, totally uncalled for.”

I imagined Perry’d sent Amelie one of her famously cold glares for daring to go against her.

“Dirk said he’s from out of town.” Dasha. That was Dasha. What was she doing talking to my cousin? “I can’t believe you guys made me go on a date with that guy just to get information. Gross.”

My jaw went slack. Did Dirk know he’d been used?

“She probably paid him to be her date,” Perry snidely remarked, pulling laughter from Dasha and Amelie. “Ugh, help me get these shoes off. I need to rest for a minute before I go back in there.”

My skin prickled and I could feel Kye looking at me in the dark, which made it all the worse.

People talked. They did stupid stuff like that. I could take it. Brush it off or cry about it in the comfort of my own apartment, but to be standing next to Kye as they talked about how sad and pitiful I was...

It was an entirely new level of shame.

When Kye gripped my shoulder, I couldn’t even look at him. Not now. Not at this very minute.

Not while they laughed at me and a few other poor souls at the reception. Guests George had invited that Perry decidedly didn’t like.

Nasty, vile, uncalled for stuff.

I couldn’t handle it.

A sick cocktail of embarrassment and unholy rage collided inside me until I grabbed the handle and burst through the door.

Perry had no right—no damn right—to talk about me, and words flew from my mouth before I could stop myself.

“You,” I pointed at Perry, whose startled eyes had grown to the size of saucers, “you don’t get to talk about me like that. For three years I’ve put

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