While You Were Creeping - Poppy Rhys Page 0,47

up with your shit, Perry. Three! Years! First, you go behind my back and fuck my boyfriend, which used to burn my ass but, ya know what? I’m glad you helped show me just what a terrible human being he was. Is. Who really knows?”

The words poured from me like a busted pipe that had no hope of being repaired. Once it started, I couldn’t stop.

“I’m tired of your lies and your pathetic need to put me down to anyone who’ll listen. Why, Perry? What have I done to you? What’s so broken and twisted inside you that you feel the need to constantly attack me?”

She opened her mouth and I held up a hand, shushing her. “It was rhetorical. I don’t really give a fuck. I just want you to know that you can’t do anymore damage. I came here today to try to be the bigger person and let things go. You know,” I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, “I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry that you have nothing better to do than find new ways to hurt or embarrass me. I feel sorry that even your own mother can’t stand to be around you.”

Perry’s face grew pink and pinched, yet I still couldn’t stop.

“I feel sorry that one day, someone younger and prettier than you might come along and ruin your relationship because let’s be honest—George cheated once, who’s to say it won’t happen again? I just...” I shrugged, the inflated anger making me shake, “I just feel sorry for you.”

My nose felt stuffed and I knew if I didn’t get out of there soon, the waterworks would start, and I couldn’t handle crying in front of these people. I turned to leave but then held up a finger and turned back. Perry’s face was as red as a strawberry and her eyes shot arrows of hatred at me.

“Also, I got you a waffle maker, but I hope it burns everything you try to cook!”

It was petty, but it felt good. I really did hope it burnt all her waffles. If she even used it. Knowing Perry, she’d probably throw it straight into the trash.

I needed to get out of here. Violence boiled inside me and all I wanted to do was grab Perry by the hair and smash her fucking face into the wall—

I stopped short when I saw Gretta and Mom standing at the end of the hall.

They’d heard.

Judging by their expressions, they’d heard everything. I suddenly wished I hadn’t said anything about Perry’s mother disliking her. It wasn’t my place.

“Aunt Gretta, I’m—”

She lifted a hand and placed it on my cheek, gently patting. Her eyes were soft when she said, “Well done, Mouse.”

That was all I could handle.

I rushed out the front doors, completely forgetting my coat and scarf and shoes, but there was no damn way I was going back in there.

My chest felt like it was caving in and I struggled to breathe. The crisp air burned my lungs and hot tears blurred my vision and spilled down my cheeks.

My whole body was a raving, furious, pulsing thing. Humiliation washed over me as I rushed along the snowy sidewalk, trying desperately to get away from the source.

“Holly, wait!” Kye yelled.


How could I face him after what just happened? He heard them... Heard what Perry said... heard—

“Dammit, woman,” Kye cursed, rushing after me. “Slow down!”

I whirled around then, slipping but catching myself. Please, let’s pile on the humiliation with busting my ass outside the lodge.

“They think I don’t know I’m a mess?” I shouted, my voice shrill and filled with emotion I didn’t want to feel. “Well news flash: I know! I have to live with myself, it’s hard to miss!”

And now snot was leaking out of my nose. Perfect! I swiped it with the back of my hand, grossed out and embarrassed. God, why couldn’t I get anything right?

“Don’t look at me,” I cried when Kye was only a few steps away. “Why can’t I just be normal?”

Kye’s eyes were crinkled at the edges and I saw pity there. It nearly killed me all over again. “Please don’t look at me that way.” I couldn’t deal with pity. It only bubbled up negative memories.

“Pity he didn’t marry that girl.”

“Pity she hasn’t moved on.”

“Pity she has to visit a shrink.”

“Pity she wasn’t enough.”

“Holly?” Kye gently chucked his knuckles under my chin, lifting my gaze to his. “Fuck those people.”

His poignant sentiment caught me off guard and I

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