While You Were Creeping - Poppy Rhys Page 0,45

determined to eat me up from the inside. The clock continued to count down my impending return to prison.

I glanced at the time.


Three hours.

I had three hours to make the most of it with Holly and I’d be damned if I let my dread fuck that up.



“You may now kiss the bride!”

Seeing George lay a chaste kiss on Perry didn’t turn my stomach like I imagined it would.

I didn’t really feel anything. Not about them, anyway. I was too torn up over the fact that, after tonight, Kye would be gone.

My determination to free him hadn’t delivered, but I wouldn’t give up. I’d keep searching for answers, for a way to get him out of that prison.

When everyone stood to clap, I did the same.

To be frank, I couldn’t wait for the reception to start. I needed a few glasses of champagne to loosen me up because I felt like a tightly twisted pretzel.

“You’re frowning, darling,” Mom whispered while she clapped as Perry and George walked by. “Smile, there’s a photographer.”

The absurdity of her words did make me smile. I might’ve laughed too, but I made sure to smile for the damn camera. If anything, I hoped it made Perry question my sanity whenever she picked through her wedding album.

By the time the reception started and the live band sang an upbeat tune, after the bride and groom’s first dance, Kye led me to the dance floor beneath the twinkling fairy lights.

To say he made me laugh was an understatement—and I hadn’t even touched the alcohol yet!

“Isn’t this proper ‘old Earth’ stuff?” he asked while he pulled a famous disco move.

“Oh god...” I covered my face. “Please don’t tell me you watched Saturday Night Fever.”

“Gretta said it was the best vid for dance moves.” He told me this as he gyrated his hips in a way that should be against the law.

“Gretta? You took advice from Gretta?”

He spun on one hoof before shuffling left to right, eating up space between us. “Course I did. She’s your favorite aunt!”

“Hold on,” I begged, trying to catch my breath in between sudden and strong bursts of laughter. “I can’t breathe!”

“Where do you think you’re going?” He snatched my hand and tried to keep me from leaving the dance floor.

“I can’t—” I cracked up again as he twirled and dipped me before busting out another solo move. “I can’t be seen with you!”

He laughed too, not allowing me to leave his side, blocking any attempts to exit the dance floor until I finally gave in.

“Fuck it!” I tossed my hands in the air after knocking back a flute of champagne. We’d just look like a pair of idiots in the crowd!

At some point I’d tossed my heels toward the edge of the space and was wildly flailing barefoot with Kye.

“Your dance moves are top notch!” he praised, his goofy grin making my heart beat faster.

“You like? I call this the flamingo on fyaaa!”

I had no idea what I was doing.

I couldn’t dance, remember? But, dammit, making a fool of myself with Kye was exactly what I needed.

When the band slowed it down, Kye pulled me close and took lead, careful not to step on my toes. It wasn’t anything showy, but the way he held me close, protecting me from other dancers who twirled by...

I’d miss everything about this dance.

I’d miss everything about Kye.

He dipped his head toward me, gently pressing his hardened forehead against mine. He whispered, “Don’t think about it.”

If I ever thought I’d hidden my true thoughts from Kye’s perceptive eyes, I’d been kidding myself.

I tipped my head back, opening myself up. He took the hint, carefully pressing his lips to mine but I wanted more.

“I saw a utility closet in the hall,” I teased, waggling my brows.

“Say no more,” he rumbled, grabbing my hand, and leading me off the dance floor. He moved fast enough that I was speed walking, nearly skipping, by the time we slipped into the wooden lodge’s hallway.

The one flute of bubbly had already gone to my head, making my body extra warm and every brush of Kye’s palms felt like delicious flames.

“In here, hurry,” I urged, opening the closet and rushing in. The space was tight and smelled like cleaning chemicals, but we didn’t need anything fancy.

Laughter bubbled out of me when Kye’s growl tickled my skin as he planted rushed, eager kisses anywhere his lips landed.

“Bewitching creature,” he accused, kneading my ass cheeks and pulling me tightly to him. Up I went, my dress

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