The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,32

loyal. You will probably only truly love one woman, and you will fall head over heels within a day of meeting her.”

He chuckled. “That doesn’t sound like me at all.”

A mischievous glint filled her hazel eyes. “That’s what makes it all the better. You’re not that kind of man.” She traced more lines, smoothing out the pad of his hand with her thumb. “No, you’re usually methodical. You think everything through and have a detailed plan. You’re not prone to that sort of impulsiveness.”

Josh told himself that she was guessing. But how had she managed to describe him so perfectly? Besides, she’d formed her opinion before she even looked at his hand.

“There’s a branch in your life line that suggests you will veer off your usual path. That you take a risk and find love. It totally changes the course of your life.” She looked up at him with a quizzical expression. “Are you on a journey right now, Josh McMillan?”

He tried not to visibly react. “That sounds like a philosophical question. Aren’t we all on a journey?”

“Am I interrupting something?”

The surprise made Josh jump, and he swiveled to find Megan standing next to him. He knew it looked bad. Libby was caressing his hand while they looked into each other’s eyes. Libby was a beautiful woman. Her almost-black hair, olive complexion, and dancing hazel eyes gave her an exotic look. But while Josh noticed her beauty, he wasn’t drawn to it.

Libby dropped her hold on him. “I was just reading Josh’s palm,” she said in a careless tone.

Based on Libby’s reaction, he was sure she hadn’t heard the undertone of jealousy in Megan’s voice. But he had . . . and as weird as this whole thing was, he liked that she was jealous. The smile that spread across his face as he turned to look at her was an unstoppable force.

“You still do that?” Megan asked, dragging her eyes from Josh’s face.

“Of course. It’s fantastically accurate,” Libby murmured in a smug tone. “Just don’t let Knickers know I was doing it. She threatened to hold an exorcism if she found out I was reading palms at her house again.”

Josh glanced at her in surprise. “Knickers?”

“Our nickname for Megan’s mom.” Libby shrugged. “It’s a play on her name—Nicole—because she always has her knickers in a wad.”

His smile turned wry. “I can see how she earned it.”

Megan grinned. “Your secret is safe with me. As long as you tell me what you read in Josh’s palm.”

Josh shook his head. “Nope. You first. What does Megan’s say?”

“That she’ll find the love of her life when she least expects it.” Libby winked at Megan. “And that she’ll be married by the time she turns thirty.”

“How do you know that?” he asked. “You didn’t even look.”

“I’ve read it before,” Libby said with a shrug.

“So how long do you have before you turn thirty?” Josh asked.

“Don’t you know it’s impolite to ask a lady her age?” Megan lifted her eyebrows playfully. A rush of relief hit Josh square in the solar plexus; he was glad she wasn’t holding a grudge over some imagined connection between him and her friend.

“Two months,” Libby volunteered.

Megan laughed. “My palm doesn’t say I’ll be married by the time I’m thirty. That fortune teller did.”

Blair joined their group, looking disgusted. “Not the fortune teller again.”

Libby sighed, making it apparent that this was a worn-out argument. “You can’t deny it happened.”

“You’re correct. I don’t deny that we went to SantaCaliGon Days and waited in line for an hour in the oppressive summer heat.”

“Now who’s overexaggerating?” Megan asked. “It was Labor Day weekend, we waited ten minutes tops, and it wasn’t that hot.”

“We still waited in line for nothing.”

“Not true.” Libby turned up her chin. “She told our fortune, just not as we expected.”

Josh couldn’t stop himself from asking, “She told Megan she’d be married by the time she was thirty?”

Megan shook her head. “She said all three of us would be married by the time we were thirty.”

Blair put a hand on her hip. “Only after she heard the three of us talking in line. Remember? We were talking about that stupid pact we made as kids. You know, how we said we’d all get married before we turned thirty and became spinsters.”

“That’s not all,” Libby added, her face serious. “She said our weddings would be disasters, and we would all marry someone other than we’d intended. And a pact is not to be taken lightly.”

Blair groaned. “You don’t really believe Copyright 2016 - 2024