The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,33

that nonsense, do you?”

“Of course she doesn’t,” Megan said.

“I don’t know,” Libby murmured, picking up her wine glass. “So far she’s right. You and Blair are engaged.”

“I’m not getting married on Saturday, Libby,” Megan whispered, a panicked expression crossing her face as soon as she’d uttered the words.

Libby hugged her arm. “It’s okay. Josh told me what’s going on.” She winked at Megan. “You never know what might happen between now and then.”

Blair looked disgusted again. “My wedding is in two months, and everything is going perfectly. Sorry to disappoint your delusion, Libby.”

Libby gave her a smug grin. “We’ll see.” She took another sip of her wine, as if closing a door on the discussion.

Megan looked between her friends for a moment before giving herself an involuntary shake. “So you two are the only ones who know about Josh. I need you to keep this to yourselves until Josh breaks up with me later tonight.”

Josh jerked to attention. This was exactly what he was afraid of. And having Blair standing next to them would make talking her out of it even more difficult.

“What?” Libby asked in dismay. “Already?”

Megan’s face hardened with determination. “It has to be done, Libby. And the sooner, the better. Josh has a life to get back to.”

“Megan!” her mother called from the deck just then, waving her arm.

Megan heaved out a loud breath. “Duty calls. Again. Come on, Josh. It’s time to introduce you to my parents’ friends. I apologize in advance.” She reached for his hand, but Libby grabbed him first.

“I need one more minute with Josh.” Libby pulled him aside as Megan shrugged and hurried toward her mother. Libby stared Blair down. “This doesn’t concern you. Feel free to go back to flirting with Kevin.”

Blair’s mouth dropped open in outrage. “I do not flirt. And especially not with Kevin.”

Libby gave her a shrug of indifference. “It’s no secret you harbored a crush on him all through high school.”

“That was ten years ago. We’re friends now.” She glanced back and forth between Libby and Josh, then narrowed her gaze on Libby and pointed an accusatory finger at her. “Do not encourage this situation, Libby!”

Libby made a shooing motion. “Bye, Blair.”

They watched her stomp off after Megan, intercepting her before she could reach her mother. Based on her departing glare, Josh was sure Blair hated him even more now. He hoped she didn’t convince Megan to do anything rash.

Libby waited until Blair was out of earshot, then grabbed his bicep and leaned toward him.

“Do you want to break up with Megan tonight?” She gave him a worried gaze.

Libby thought he wanted to be here for other reasons . . . reasons she approved of. He’d be a fool not to take advantage of that, especially since Blair was so determined to get rid of him and Megan was set on breaking up tonight. “No.”

“Then don’t. Keep gazing at her like she’s the last woman alive and don’t do it. I’ll help you out as much as I can.”

Josh felt bad using Libby to help him, but he needed all the advantages he could get.

And he ignored the part of him that told him Libby was actually right about him . . . about how he liked Megan more than he wanted to admit.

Chapter Eight

Josh was walking back over to her, looking more relieved than he had before going off with Libby. What had her friend said?

Megan’s mother was getting visibly irritated that Megan still hadn’t joined her, but Blair had a death grip on her wrist. “I’m looking out for your best interest,” Blair said, continuing with her mission to try and talk reason into her. “What’s so wrong with that?”

Megan’s back stiffened. “I love you like a sister, Blair, but this is my decision. If you can’t accept it, feel free to leave.”

“It’s a stupid decision, Megan.”

Megan winced but held her ground. “But it’s mine, nevertheless. It’s not like I’m marrying the guy. He’s going to break up with me.”

Josh cleared his throat as he stopped next to Megan, close enough to have heard her last words. “What do you want, Blair? What outcome at this moment would make you happy? Do you want me to tell Megan’s parents that we’ve been lying to them? How will that make Megan look? She’d be worse off than she was before they mistook me for Jay.”

Blair pursed her lips. “You’re the reason she’s in this situation.”

“I’ve never denied it. I’m just trying to get her out of Copyright 2016 - 2024