The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,31

laughed, a happy sound that helped ease some of Josh’s tension over being left alone with Megan’s hostile family and friends. At least not all of them were hostile.

“Please. I dyed some clothes in high school for an art project, and I have tomato plants in pots on the balcony of my apartment. That hardly qualifies me for a commune.”

Kevin handed Libby her glass. “But you do make art out of recycled glass. Megan told me about your exhibit. Belated congrats.”


Though she’d been standing to the side of the bar, listening in on their conversation, Blair finally spoke up, her gaze locked on Josh. “Maybe Megan’s turned vegan or something,” she said with a tight smile. “Has she, Josh?”

Kevin turned to look at him.

He froze. Damn her. “No. She definitely hasn’t.” He turned his attention to Kevin. “Have you got any beers back there?”


“Anything alcoholic.”

Kevin opened a cooler and pulled out a bottle, popping off the top before handing it to Josh.

“Spending time with your fiancée’s family got you drinking?” Blair asked in a snotty tone.

“No, it’s not her family.” He took a big swig.

Libby burst out laughing. “Don’t mind Blair. I don’t think she’s ever approved of any of our boyfriends.” Swooping in to his rescue, she hooked her arm through his and dragged him away from the bar, leading to the other side of the pool, which was blessedly absent of guests.

Josh scanned the deck, which was now dotted with more than three dozen people. He spotted Megan in the center of a small group. He hadn’t known her long, but he could tell the smile on her face was forced.

Libby looked to see what had his attention, then shot him a grin. “How long have you known Megan?”

“About eight hours.”

Libby choked on her wine and began to cough. “I’m sorry. Did you say eight hours?”

Which was his cue to launch into an abbreviated version of the turn of events.

“So you’re helping her out of the kindness of your heart?” she asked with a sly grin.

“Of course. I have a few spare days, so I figured why not?”

She shook her head. “You’re lying.”

He’d been accused of as much by Blair and Megan, but the way Libby said it came across differently. His breath caught. What did she know?

He took a drink of his beer, seeking out Megan in the crowd. She was caught between two women who were talking nonstop. She held her hand to her face, and he couldn’t keep from smiling when he realized she was trying to hide a yawn.

Focus, McMillan. Megan’s best friend had just accused him of lying, and he was acting like a middle-school boy with a crush. “Why do you say that?”

“The way you’re looking at her right now. Like you’ve been fed salad for six months and Megan’s a medium-rare steak.”

He turned to her, surprised by the anger that smoldered in his gut. “What are you accusing me of? Do you think I’m out to hurt her?”

“No,” she said, taking another sip of her wine and looking over at Megan. “Quite the opposite. I think you really like her.”

“So I’m pretending to be her fiancé to get her into bed?” he asked, sounding indignant, though the thought of her in bed with him . . .

Well, now that it was in his head, it would be hard to get it out. Down, boy. Wondering what Megan Vandemeer looked like sans clothes wouldn’t help his case.

“No, I think you’re helping her out of a difficult situation because there’s a spark between you two and you want the chance to get to know her better.”

“By pretending to be her fiancé?”

She shrugged, still grinning at him. “Hey, stranger things have happened.”

“So you approve?”

“Wholeheartedly. The guy she was supposed to marry is a cutthroat bastard. Only, Megan wore blinders the entire time and refused to see it until she saw more than she ever wanted to when she found him screwing his secretary on his desk.”

Josh cringed at the mental image, but it bothered him even more to think about what it must have done to Megan. “And how do you know I’m not a cutthroat bastard, too?”

She grabbed the beer out of his hand and set it on a nearby table along with her wine. Then she picked up his right hand and spread out his palm. Her index finger traced the lines. “Your love line. It runs deep and long.” She looked up into his face. “Your love is very strong and Copyright 2016 - 2024