The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,231

and rip it open. Just the feeling of her rolling it over his erection was about to do him in. “I need you too,” she finally said.

He rested his elbow next to her head, kissing her while his hand skimmed between her breasts, slowly glided down her abdomen, and ended up between her legs once more. Within seconds she moaned and lifted her hips to him.


“Not yet,” he murmured against her lips, moving his mouth over her jaw and down to her neck.

“I thought you were impatient.”

“I was impatient to touch you.”

His mouth found her breast again, his tongue and teeth making her squirm.

She gasped, her nails digging into his shoulders. “Now I’m impatient. I want you now, Garrett.”

He sat up and moved between her legs, getting to his knees. Lifting her ankle behind his back, he looked down at her, appreciated the beautiful strong lines of her body. “I’ll give you anything, Blair. You only have to ask.” Then he entered her in one stroke as she arched up to take him in.

Her eyes sank shut, and her chest rose. He reached for her breast, his thumb softly brushing her nipple, reveling in the way she writhed beneath him. When he pulled back and entered her again, she lifted her other leg and locked her ankles, clinging to him.

She reached for him, but he laced his fingers with hers and placed her hands on either side of her head as he leaned over her, pushing deeper. He kissed her deeply, his tongue mimicking his thrusts.

As soon as he felt her tighten around him, he shifted slightly, eliciting a soft cry from her. He moved his mouth next to her ear as he released one of her hands and tilted her pelvis up, concentrating on her needs, wanting more than anything to push her over the edge. She arched up again and released a low guttural sound before moaning his name.

The sound of his name on her lips, like this, was his undoing. He plunged into her harder, needing to get deeper. Her hands grabbed his ass, helping him with his goal. He rocked against her, and she came again, and her soft sounds as she tightened around him pushed him over the edge. He pushed into her with several more grunts before collapsing on top of her. He could make love to her from now until forever, and he would never have enough of her.

She moved beneath him. Realizing he was crushing her, he rolled to his side, taking her with him.

For a moment she didn’t say anything, and he worried she was feeling regret, but then she opened her eyes and stared at him with amazement. “I don’t remember it being that good.”

“It’s only going to get better.”

Uncertainty filled her eyes, so he kissed her. At first it was just to show her he wasn’t going anywhere, but with her naked body pressed against him, her leg still slung over his hip, he found himself getting hard again.

She laughed against his lips and leaned forward to rake her teeth over his lower lips. “Again?”

His hand moved to her breast, and he grinned. “Blazer, we’re only getting started.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Blair woke up to sunlight filtering through the cracks of the hotel room’s drapes. Today was her wedding day, and here she was in a tangle of sheets and limbs with another man.

Guilt practically choked her as she pushed up, letting the sheet pool at her waist.

“Blair?” Garrett’s voice was groggy with sleep as his arm tightened around her waist. “Come back.”

“I have to go.” The words were delivered in a wobbly voice, and he was instantly awake.

He bolted into a sitting position. “Why? What’s wrong?”

Tears burned her eyes. “I have to talk to Neil.”

His eyes flew open wider with alarm. “Why?”

“We’re still engaged, Garrett. Him calling me a bitch and stomping off didn’t officially break us up.”

His jaw clenched, and his eyes turned dark. “He called you a bitch?”

She gave him a tight smile. “I probably deserved it.”

“I don’t think so. I want to talk to him too.”

She laughed softly. “Admitting that I’m turned on by you going slightly caveman seems wrong, especially since it theoretically sets women’s rights back a few decades.” She gave him a kiss. “But nevertheless, I don’t need you to talk to him. I’m perfectly capable of talking to him myself.”

He shook his head, his jaw set. “I don’t want you talking to him at all.”

“Garrett. A little caveman goes a long way. Now is Copyright 2016 - 2024