The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,230


She smiled and didn’t look away from his eyes as her fingers made quick work of the buttons on his shirt. She pushed it off his shoulders, her fingers trailing over his bare shoulders and arms. A bolt of desire shot through him, and he pushed her dress and panties over her hips and down to her feet, and then tugged her over to the bed and pulled down the covers.

He pulled her to his chest and kissed her, his hands roaming her body and stopping at the clasp of her bra. He quickly undid it and then slid the straps over her shoulders. He moved back, letting it drop to the floor as he took a step back to look at her.

She had his belt unfastened in seconds, but she got hung up on his button.

“You’re taking too long.” His hands tried to brush hers away, but she grinned and swatted them.


He groaned. “I’ve waited five years for this. I’m done with being patient.” He took over and dropped his pants and underwear.

He reached for her, but she gave him a sexy smile and took a step back so she could sit on the bed. She slowly tumbled onto her back, her hair pooling around her on the sheets. This was Blair’s playful side—rarely released, but oh so beautiful to see. Then the look in her eye—that teasing glint—faded, replaced with raw need. He wanted to touch her, to give her the pleasure she needed from him, but he took a moment to enjoy the sight of her.

“I thought you were done with patience.”

“I could have a million years, and it wouldn’t be long enough.” He lay beside her and leaned over to capture her mouth with his as his hand roamed her body.

She reached for him, and he groaned as she circled his erection with her soft, lithe hand. He shifted so he could grab her wrist, then pinned it to the bed over her head. “I won’t last one minute if you keep that up.”

“Is that your final answer?” She laughed.

“Yes.” His mouth skimmed her neck, trailing kisses down her chest and brushing her nipple, causing her chest to rise and fall in rapid succession. His free hand slipped between her legs and into her folds. Her back arched, and her eyelids closed.

“This hardly seems fair,” she forced out as his tongue traced her areola. “You have me captive, and I can’t do anything to you.”

“You’re doing plenty to me just the way you are,” he said in a low growl, torn between taking his time getting reacquainted with her body and ravaging her. He moved his attention to her other breast as he plunged his finger inside her and rubbed her mound with the heel of his hand.

“Garrett.” Her voice was impatient as she squirmed underneath him.

“What do you want, Blair?”

“I want you, and I want you now.”

He tortured her for several seconds more, taking delight in her groans of frustration before he lifted his head to study her face, his hand moving in slow circles between her legs. “Are you on birth control?”

Her eyes flew open. “What?” But then the question seemed to sink in. “No. Please God, tell me you have a condom.”

He grinned, his hard-on aching as he studied her swollen lips and hooded eyes. “And if I said no?”

She grinned back. “You’d have to wear a pair of loose gym shorts and a long T-shirt to the nearest pharmacy.”

He sat up and pulled a small box out of the drawer, opening the flap to remove a package. “Good thing I have this.”

“A new box,” she murmured.

He turned his attention to her, wondering what she would read into his next words. “I bought them for you.”

Her body tensed, and her eyes were guarded. “You thought you’d be having sex with me?”

“Honestly, Blair? No. I only wanted you to give me a chance. I never expected that we’d be doing this. Hoped? God, yes.” He leaned over her, placing a soft kiss on her full lips and resisting the urge to devour them. He looked into her eyes. “I hoped I’d have the chance again, because there’s never been anyone like you. Every other experience I’ve had has been hollow and empty. It has only made it alarmingly clear what I really need.” He kissed her gently again. “I need you.”

She reached up and kissed him with a fire that consumed him, and then pulled away to take a package out of the box Copyright 2016 - 2024