The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,229

she clung to him, pulling him flush against her.

Garrett backed away. “If we don’t stop, I’ll have to ask you how you feel about sex in public, which was something I never considered before this moment.”

She grinned up at him. Oh, yes, she’d forgotten this part—the passion and the fun. “You’ve made me dizzy. I may walk even slower now.”

“Are you trying to manipulate me into carrying you?” A grin spread across his face. “Because I’ll do it.”

“Ha.” She laughed. “I suspect you’ve gone soft in the office. All those late hours working on briefs.”

“Remember when we worked on that group project for our Evidence class?” He nuzzled her neck, sending shivers down her back. “I still found time to work out then.”

“Sex doesn’t qualify as a workout, Garrett.”

He shot her a wicked look. “I think some of our sessions did.” He kissed her again, and her memories of their shared passion only made her hotter.

She pushed him away. “Let’s go before we get arrested for public indecency.”

He laughed and stepped away from her, snagging her hand in his. She was amazed by how familiar he still felt, how right.

Soon they were in his car, en route to his hotel, and even though they didn’t talk, she didn’t feel awkward. When he pulled up to the valet, he got out and met her on the other side, grabbing her hand to help her out of the car.

“Nice hotel,” she murmured as they crossed the lobby.

He looked down at her with hooded eyes. “I hadn’t noticed.” He pushed the elevator call button and groaned when he saw it was on the eleventh floor. “I would consider the stairs, but those shoes of yours will never make it.”

“What’s the hurry?” she teased. “Afraid I’ll change my mind?”

Fear flickered in his eyes. “Yes.”

She wrapped a hand around the back of his neck, pressed her chest to his, and looked up into his eyes. “I’m not going anywhere.”

The elevator dinged and the doors slid open, allowing an older couple out of the car. Garrett snaked his arm around her waist and held her close to him as he backed into the elevator, already lowering his face to hers.

She sucked his bottom lip between her teeth—a move she knew drove him crazy. He groaned, his hand sliding down over her ass and pulling her firmly against him. White-hot lust rushed through her, and she was suddenly beyond impatient to get to his room.

The elevator doors opened, and she heard voices. Garrett dropped his hand and lifted his head, but he kept her snugged against his chest as two other couples entered the car.

She turned to face the wall, embarrassed that they’d almost been caught. Prim and proper Blair Myers had never been so prim and proper with Garrett when it came to sex. He made her lose all reason. Was that a good thing or a bad one?

The elevator chimed again, and the doors opened. Garrett turned her around, ushered her into the hall, and led her to a room at the end of the hall.

She suddenly felt nervous as she followed him into the room, especially when he shut the door behind them. If she chose to do this, she knew it wouldn’t be just sex. It would mean entrusting him with her heart.

“Blair, turn around.”

She slowly spun to face him, expecting to see lust in his eyes. It surprised and disarmed her to see adoration instead. He closed the distance between them and rested his hands on her hips. “I love you, Blair. Let me prove it to you.”

Her back stiffened. “Don’t break my heart again, Garrett.”

He smiled. “I won’t. I swear. I’m yours.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

Uncertainty flickered in her eyes, but she must have accepted his answer because she grabbed the sides of his face and pulled his mouth to hers. His resolve to hold back, to give her more time, evaporated. His lips and tongue devoured hers, while his hold on her hips tightened, pressing her against his growing erection.

His hand found the zipper on the back of her dress and tugged it down, sending the straps of her dress slipping off her shoulders.

She pulled her arms out of the sleeves so the top of her dress pooled at her waist, exposing her plain beige bra. She glanced down self-consciously. “I’m not wearing anything sexy.”

He tipped her chin up so he could look into her eyes. “You’re beautiful, Blair. You could wear an old, holey T-shirt covered with stains, and I’d still think Copyright 2016 - 2024