The Wedding Pact Box Set - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,232

not the time for jealousy.”

“It’s not jealousy, Blair.” He swallowed and picked up her hand in his. “He doesn’t love you. I’m worried he’ll do something to hurt you.”

She shook her head in disbelief. “Neil would never hit me.”

“There are other types of pain besides physical violence.”

She narrowed her eyes. What did he know that he wasn’t telling her? “Garrett, I still have a wedding scheduled for five o’clock this evening. I have to deal with this situation.”

“But you’re not still marrying him, right?”

She gestured to the mussed covers. “After this? I would never have slept with you if I still intended to marry Neil.”

His eyes closed, and his shoulders sank. “Thank God.”

“You really thought I’d go back to him?” she asked in disbelief.

His eyelids flew open, and he gave her a wry smile. “No, but I just got you back.” He picked up her left hand and twisted the ring on her finger. “And you’re still wearing his ring.”

Oh, God. She was. Did that make her a cheater after all?

“I’d like to think of it as you wearing my ring.”

Her gaze lifted to his, confusion in her eyes.

“My mother is the eldest daughter. Legally, the ring belongs to my mother. Not Aunt Debra.”

“It’s an engagement ring, Garrett.”

His eyes searched hers as his fingers tightened on the band. “I know, and I’ll get you another one if you’d like. One that’s more like you.” He clambered around her and off the bed, and then dropped to one knee beside her. “Blair, I love you, and I don’t want to spend another day without you. Marry me.”

She grinned. “Did you seriously just propose to me on one knee—naked?”

He lifted his shoulder and smirked. “Full disclosure. Literally.”

Her smile fell. He was serious. “Garrett . . .”

He rose to sit on the side of the bed, then cradled the back of her head and pulled her mouth to his. His tongue parted her lips and ignited another fire of desire inside her. She had no doubt that she loved him, and no one had ever made her feel the way Garrett did, but . . .

She pushed against his chest, pulling back. “It’s so sudden. Where would we live? How would this work?”

He cupped her cheek, looking up into her eyes. “For once in your life, go with your heart, Blair. Not with your head.”

“But my job—”

“Fuck Sisco, Sisco, and Reece. Why would you want to work for them after the sexist stunt they pulled on you?”

“So I give up my job—and you just keep yours?”

“From what you said, if you’re not getting married tonight, you won’t have a job to give up.” He said it matter-of-factly, but not without sympathy.

Oh, God. He was right.

He held her hand. “I’ll quit mine too. We’ll both start over. I don’t care where we live, Blair. As long as it’s together.”

This was crazy. They had both changed in five years. They needed more time. But looking into his eyes now, she knew she could wait five minutes or five more years, and she’d still want the same thing. She’d want him.

For once she was going to listen to her heart.


He tackled her onto the bed, capturing her mouth and showing her what she had to look forward to as his wife.

A half hour later, she lay in his arms with her head nestled against his chest. His fingers stroked her back, and she looked up at him. “Garrett, I still need to see to Neil.”

“Why don’t you just call him?”

She pushed up on one elbow. “I can’t end this on the phone. That’s nearly as bad as breaking up with someone in a text message.”

“I know, but it was worth a shot.” He grinned, but the expression faded quickly. “At least you’re seeing him with my ring now.”

She sat up and sighed. “I need to go home and change. But my car’s still at the church. And I have to find out who has my purse.”

He sat up, snatched his phone off the nightstand, and handed it to her. “I’ll drive you home, but why don’t you call him to set up a time? I’m sure there are arrangements that need to be canceled.”

She cringed, overwhelmed by the enormity of the task.

He smiled at her and gave her a kiss. “It’s going to be okay. I’ll help you. I’m sure Megan and Libby will help too.”

She nodded. “Thank you.”

He put the phone in her hand and stood. “I’ll go into the bathroom and give you some Copyright 2016 - 2024