Vampires Never Get Old - Zoraida Cordova Page 0,65

him and Mami more, that they know the world better than anyone else. I just smiled at him. What am I supposed to say to that? They haven’t “lived” in the world in seventeen years. We’ve been self-exiled outcasts since I was born. How could they possibly know more than anyone else?

I have to do this. Papi just made me all the more certain of that.

NoOneKissesLikeGaston: We support you! Lmao listen to me, I sound obsessed.

MiseryBusiness: People always tell me I spend too much time online. Maybe if the outside world was better, I’d spend more time in it.

CallOfDuty92301: Why do you guys like this melodramatic garbage?

12 Notes


June 17, 2018

I ran to Jairo’s house today. There was a brief opportunity for it. I’m getting good at finding these flashes of time, and our hunt from the other night gave me some much-needed energy. We caught a man peeping in to another man’s home, and I fed for nearly an hour on the culprit. I felt no guilt as I drained him; that was nice. Some days, I do feel guilty when we have to cut a life short. But we thank them for what they give us. Their sacrifice allows us to live.

Mami laughed when I sat back and belched. She looked at my face for a long time, and it wasn’t like the other day. “Estás creciendo,” she said, and her eyes were warm. “Maybe you will get to hunt on your own.”

I perked up at that. “¿De veras?”

She shook her head. “Not that soon. Once we know you can be trusted. Once we know you’ll follow the rules.”

“Haven’t I been?”

“Yes,” she said. “But we need a few more years just to make sure.”

So … never.

That’s what she meant, right?

We took the other man with us. Turns out he lived alone, and he didn’t make much noise.

There was no mail at Jairo’s house today.

Maybe this was a terrible idea.


6 Notes


June 18, 2018

Do you know what it’s like to be trapped?

Walled-in. Unable to escape.

I don’t see how I’m ever getting out of this.

Sorry. There was no delivery again. Today sucked.

Ha ha. I wish that was as funny as I hoped it would be.

NoOneKissesLikeGaston: I’m sorry. :(

3 Notes


June 19, 2018

They found me.

I’m such a fool. I should have known it was too easy. I should have known it was all too good to be true.

They thought I was hunting on my own. They were proud of me. That’s why they followed me, at a distance, watching me as I dashed away from home, out into the lonely desert.

They thought I was ready to be something else.

Instead, they observed me as I approached the house.

As I made straight for the mailbox, not paying attention to anything else.

As I flung it open.

Pulled out the package.

Tore at the edge.

And Jairo Mendoza raised his shotgun.

Aimed at me.

I heard the flint strike, then saw a blur, a flash, and then a bang, and Mami had Jairo on the ground. She shrieked something fierce as she ripped out his throat, one fluid motion, a spray of blood soaking the thirsty sand.

When she rose, her hand was gone. Just a stump where it used to be.

She’d taken the buckshot for me. And there I stood, ashamed, the digital camera box in my hand, and Papi was screaming at me, the same thing over and over.

“¿Qué hiciste, Cisco?!”

What did I do?

Mami fed, ravenously, completely. Jairo Mendoza was gone, emptied in minutes, and she panted as she began the regrowth process. It would take days. It would be painful.

“We did this to protect you, mijo,” she said, the redness falling down her own throat, over her now-stained camisa. “You were supposed to follow the rules. Why? Why did you do this?”

I had nothing to say to them. I couldn’t explain it then, and even now, sitting in the dark, I have nothing.

They buried his body far away. They said we should be fine, but we would most likely need to move soon.

The sun is coming up.

I have to go.

NoOneKissesLikeGaston: Come back! We’re listening to you!

ThrowawayOne: This is still going?

MiseryBusiness: Damn, is this thing real? I feel weird about this whole thing. Maybe it’s some real kid going thru something? I dunno.

19 Notes


June 24, 2018

I still have nothing to say.

He’s dead. And it’s all my fault.

NoOneKissesLikeGaston: You did what you had to. Please come back!

TrueAnneRiceFan: man, this blog is gay

ToEachTheirOwn: @TrueAnneRiceFan who says that anymore in 20-gay-teen?

18 Notes


June 29, 2018

I went back to the lake today.

The moon was full, and Copyright 2016 - 2024