Vampires Never Get Old - Zoraida Cordova Page 0,64

of opportunity.

I ran. Even faster than the other night. I headed straight for Jairo’s home, and when I reached his back door, I froze.

I’d never done anything like this.

I raised my hand to the doorknob and slowly turned it. It made no sound. I pulled on the door and peeked around it. No humans. No one. I moved silently then, stopping the door from slamming, and drifted from the kitchen into his room.

He was asleep.

And it was so hard. I had not fed in two months, and while my control was decent, I could hear him.

Thump, thump.

Thump, thump.


So loud.

So … delicious.

But I had a reason to be there. I moved to the small bedside table, and I grabbed his wallet, fishing out two credit cards.

I was gone seconds later.

Home not long after that.

Reading a news website when Mami came back upstairs.

“Anything interesting happening in the world?”

I shook my head. “It’s all the same.”

She sighed. “We’re low. You want to come hunting tomorrow?”

I nodded. “Sí, Mami.” I started to say something else, but she cut me off.

“Juntos,” she said. Frustration roiled in me at the reminder: never alone.

Mami stared at me, and in her eyes was the same infantilization as in her voice. She was in control. I couldn’t choose for myself.

“Okay,” I muttered. My face burned. “Together.”

She ruffled my hair, and her touch sent rage down my spine. “When you’re grown, we’ll talk about it.”

Then she was gone.

She was standing just outside the room, mere feet from me, when I used Jairo’s credit card to order a digital camera, one with excellent low-light capabilities.

I’m going to do it. As soon as it arrives at his house, I’m going to do it.

NoOneKissesLikeGaston: how am I this invested in a stranger

ToEachTheirOwn: why do u write with all those sentences on one line each

6 Notes


June 14, 2018

What do I look like?

Is my nose sharp? Wide? I’ve felt it before. I think it flares out at the sides. What about my brows? My ears? I don’t really have anything to compare them to. Are my eyes dark? Light? What do my curls look like? I know how they feel, but that’s not the same. Papi is the one who gives me haircuts, only a couple of times a year, and whenever I wrap my curls around my fingers, one side always feels shorter than the other. But I can’t see for myself. He says it looks fine, and once again, I must defer to what my parents tell me. I get no choice of my own.

It’s going to happen.

I’m going to see myself.

IAmJustLikeYou: I’ll help you. I promise.

4 Notes


June 15, 2018

My ambition gave me energy on our hunt tonight.

We were miles and miles from home, far to the south. Papi said he knew of a small settlement that hugged the mountains out that way, and he was certain that we could find someone. Someone no one would look for.

We’d been running for ten minutes or so when we passed it. Tucked next to a grove of mesquite, it glimmered in what little moonlight there was. I slowed, and Mami was the first to notice. “Cisco, vámonos,” she ordered. “We have a long way to go.”

I walked to the edge of the small oasis, to the lake that rippled in the slight breeze. I leaned over the water’s edge. Saw the outline of myself, a shadow and vague shapes, my face twisting in the gentle waves. It wasn’t a full moon, but would I be able to see more of me if it was? I had a couple of weeks to find out.

I would come back, I told myself. A backup plan, just in case.

I ran with my parents. I couldn’t stop thinking about that water and my shimmering, blurry reflection.

NoOneKissesLikeGaston: So, you didn’t really hunt, did you?

MiseryBusiness: I just found this blog. Wow, this is such a cool project. Wish I’d thought of it!

7 Notes


June 16, 2018

I’ve been reading about other lives for so long. I have devoured stories here from people all over the world, who are dealing with things that are arguably worse than what I’m going through. But I still feel empty most days, as if all I can do is pour myself into the lives of strangers. I want to be fulfilled someday, too. I’m tired of looking into the windows of your homes and your families.

I want someone to see me.

Papi told me that I spend too much time on the computer. That I need to listen to Copyright 2016 - 2024