Vampires Never Get Old - Zoraida Cordova Page 0,66

I had not left home since they caught me. I told Papi y Mami the truth this time: that I needed to get outside, even just for an hour, or I was going to explode. I think they could tell how sad I felt, how much I regretted what I had done. “Una hora,” Mami said. “Then be back right here. ¿Entiendes?”

I nodded. “Lo siento.”

I have said that a lot lately.

I knew one of them would follow me. I knew they wouldn’t leave me alone. They didn’t trust me.

So I stood at the edge of that shimmering beauty, and I was disappointed to find that I looked exactly the same.

Blurry at the edges. Undefined. Shapeless.

This was such a pointless exercise.

Which is why I thought I imagined him at first. I looked up at the figure on the other side of the oasis, and I thought maybe he was another saguaro cactus, tall and quiet.

But then he moved forward.

Stepped to the edge of the lake.

I could see black hair, shining in the light of the moon.

He raised a hand to me.

I returned it.

I looked north, where I expected to find Papi watching me, but he wasn’t there. Maybe he was hiding again. And if so, had he seen this person gesture at me?

Then: A ripple. A wave. Something drifted through my body, light and tingly.

I turned, focused on the young man.

He smiled.

The wave passed again, and I took a step forward, the edge of my shoe now in the water, and whatever this feeling was, it tugged me forward, closer to the boy.

And then … he was just gone.

A wisp of dust kicked up in the spot where he’d stood. He had moved so fast, and … was it possible? Was he another one of … me?

Another vampire. It seemed so bizarre; I’d been kept away from others my whole life, and sometimes, they were just a myth. A tale. An exaggeration.

Maybe that’s what I feel like to all of you. Just a story.

I walked back home. Mami was standing at the doorway, caressing her hair. She was nervous. She was always nervous around me now, as if I’d make a sudden move and disappear on her. Any trust was gone, but even worse? It seemed like any hope she had for me, for my growth, had vanished, too.

“You look tired,” she said.

“Do I?” I said. And I indulged myself. “What do I look like, then, Mami?”

She examined me, her eyes tracing my face, and I wanted to know what she saw. Did she see that I was frayed at the edges? That I was drowning in guilt?

“You’re beautiful,” she said. “But you frightened me. Made me scared I was losing you.”

“I’m sorry,” I said.

I noticed she had not answered my question.

“The rules are for a reason,” she reminded me. Then she walked quickly into our home.

Fuck their rules.

CanIScream: damn you, I’m so invested in this story. Can you update more than once a day lol pleeeeeaase.

53 Notes


July 9, 2018

I find any excuse I can to get back to that lake these days.

I want to see him again. I want to know what that sensation was. I want so many things.

So I’ve been every night since that first night, and he’s never there.

Maybe I did imagine it. They say guilt can do messed-up things to your mind. And I can’t get the image of the spray of blood out of my head, even though I’ve seen blood more times than I could ever remember. But Mami had never killed someone like that. Not ever.

It all hurts so much. Like the biggest pile of the heaviest rocks is sitting on my chest and I can’t shake myself free.

You probably won’t hear from me for a while.

NoOneKissesLikeGaston: Please come back.:(

68 Notes


July 16, 2018

He’s real.

He’s real.

I wasn’t imagining it.


BrujaBorn: Wait, what do you mean? Come on, man, give us another post!

127 Notes


July 17, 2018

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to leave all of you with a cliff-hanger there. Mami came into the room, so I had to close the tab and pretend like I was doing some research for Papi’s silly history lesson that night.

By the way, where did you all come from? I’m surprised anyone is interested in these pointless rants, but … welcome.

I still can’t believe it. I’m not alone.

There are others.

He was there this time, and when he appeared at the edge of the oasis, I almost didn’t believe it. After trying so many times, why now? Why this time?

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