Until the World Stops - L.A. Witt Page 0,89

we’d never do it again.

Then again, maybe it would be a quickie. From the way Casey’s breathing was speeding up and his whole body was trembling, he wasn’t holding back, so I egged him on. Groaning, he rocked his hips harder, pushing himself deeper into my mouth as he got even thicker, even harder. From the way his moans thrummed against my own cock, he was getting close, and from the way he was absolutely going to town on me and fingering me, he was trying like hell to take me there with him. Much more of this, and he would.

I was determined to get him off first, though, so I licked and stroked him for all I was worth, which earned me some low, throaty moans and a couple of full-body shudders. Maybe I hadn’t slept with him for very long, but I’d absolutely been with him enough times to know when he was close, and he was close, and I kept teasing and pumping him while his muscles tensed and his dick got impossibly hard between my lips.

He lifted his head with a gasp. “Oh fuck. I’m so… Oh God, I’m right there.”

If my mouth hadn’t been busy, I’d have grinned, because I knew he was right there, and I gave him everything I had, stroking his spit-slicked shaft while I licked and circled the head. He gasped again, and he ground out, “Fuck, I’m coming,” a second before cum rushed across my tongue, and he kept thrusting erratically into my mouth until he shuddered and stopped.

On my cock, he’d lost his rhythm for a few seconds, but as he came down from his orgasm, he found his stride again—stroking, licking, teasing—and he was breathless and eager now in a way he hadn’t been a minute ago. Holy fuck, he was good, and he blew me like he really, really wanted it.

I lifted myself onto my elbow and watched him working my dick and fingering my ass. God, that view was hot. “That’s it, baby.” I bit my lip. “I want to fuck you, but this feels so perfect, it’s—oh, yeah. That’s it.” I fought the urge to rock my hips and push into his mouth. “Mmm, yeah, keep…” He crooked his finger inside me, and I managed a moaned “Jesus…” as a shudder drove me into his eager mouth. “Oh God, I’m gonna come.” I gripped his hair tighter. “Keep…”

Casey groaned around my cock, and my whole body jerked as I unloaded on his tongue with a cry of “Fuck!”

With a delirious sigh, I dropped onto my back. When Casey joined me, we sank together in the middle of the mattress, holding each other and panting between long, lazy kisses. I was still out of breath, but to hell with it—the only downside of sixty-nining was that I couldn’t make out with him, and now I had his mouth against mine again. That was even better than the comedown from my orgasm.

After a while, Casey touched his forehead to mine. “I love you,” he whispered shakily. “I don’t know what it says about me that it took losing you in the middle of all this shit to realize that, but… I love you.”

“I love you too.” I kissed him again, softly this time, and I closed my eyes and held him tight. I’d literally been looking into the quickest and cheapest route to a divorce so I could hightail it back to the West Coast as soon as possible. I’d been ready to bite the bullet and move in with my parents because at least that would be more bearable than being this close to a man who only wanted me because we were, for all intents and purposes, stuck in the same bunker to ride out the nuclear winter.

But now…this.

I am so glad I dodged that bullet.

I held him a little tighter and kissed Casey’s forehead.

And thank God I didn’t lose you.

Chapter 25


Nothing in the world was back to normal, but here in my bedroom in our duplex, we were back to what had become normal. After a quick shower, we’d returned to my bed and cuddled beneath the sheets, and as much as anything could these days, everything felt right again.

We lay in silence, sometimes kissing, sometimes just lying together, and I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt this good. There was still plenty to worry about, but my mom was on the mend and Tristan and I were together. This was probably the

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