Until the World Stops - L.A. Witt Page 0,88

had no idea if he meant sex or sex with me. I meant both, but especially sex with him. Physical contact was such a rare commodity these days, and intimacy was all but nonexistent, and I needed all the heat and friction he could give me, but it wasn’t just the need to be touched this time—it was the need to be touched by him. It didn’t matter that there’d been a time when I’d fantasized about never seeing him again. Now I didn’t want to be anywhere he wasn’t. I needed him and I wanted him and I had to fight back tears because after I’d convinced myself he was gone, he was here.

I’d had makeup sex in the past, and it had always been frantic and needy. Always a quickie.

Not this time. After going so long without touching anyone at all, and then not touching him for a while, I wanted as much of him as I could get. I wanted to get lost in him for as long as we could both handle it, and from the way he was kissing me and touching me, we were definitely on the same wavelength.

Casey slid his hands under my shirt and pushed it up. We separated long enough for me to take it off, and then he quickly got rid of his too before we came together in another deep kiss. In between kissing and groping, we shed the rest of our clothes, and even though I hadn’t thought it was possible, the heat of his skin against mine was even more of a relief than it was the first time we did this. Breaking a dry spell was one thing. Coming back to something I’d thought was gone? Oh my God.

He rolled me onto my back, and as he kissed his way down my neck, I combed my fingers through his hair. It had gotten long enough I could grab on if I wanted to, and I had to say, if there was one thing I would miss when the world went back to normal, it would be his longer, uncut hair.

When we shifted again and I was on top, he dragged his nails across my back, and the burn had me shuddering as a ragged “oh fuck” tumbled off my lips.

Casey grinned against my lips. “Like that?”

“Ungh. Yeah. It’s—Jesus.” I arched into him as he traced more hot lines over my skin.

“Mmm, I love making you shake.”

Was I shaking? Oh yeah, I was shaking. I wasn’t even surprised. I just kissed him, rutted against him, and kept right on letting him make me tremble all over.

He nudged my hip, and when I lifted up, his fingers closed around my cock. I broke the kiss with a gasp. He leaned in and started on my neck again, kissing my skin as he lazily stroked me.

Much more of this and he was going to get me off. Jesus. And why wasn’t I returning the favor? I needed to get my own hands on his dick, so I shifted onto my elbow and reached between us. The first stroke made him shiver and push his cock into my hand.

Then we found each other’s mouths again, and oh, yeah. This was what I needed. The warmth of his body and the friction of his skin rubbing mine—it was all addictive. It would have been anyway, but especially after weeks of not being able to touch anyone, I needed the contact and the heat and the closeness. It was such a relief to be touching someone again, and the fact that it was Casey tangling up with me made it a million times better.

“Remember the first time?” he panted between kisses. “When we sixty-nined?”

I bit my lip and squirmed. “Uh-huh.”

He grinned. I grinned.

Neither of us had to say another word, and we didn’t—we just shifted around, and oh hell yeah, I would never get tired of sucking his dick while he sucked mine. Just like the first time, I couldn’t get enough. His lips and tongue were magic on my dick, and I loved the way his dick felt in my mouth. I loved sliding my hand over his powerful thigh and just reminding myself this was real and he was here and we were back.

Forget a quickie—we went on and on, languidly teasing each other and savoring each other. This had been my favorite thing with him from the start, and it was even better this time because I’d been convinced

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