Until the World Stops - L.A. Witt Page 0,55

to “yes.”

The hand on my hip vanished. Anticipation raised goose bumps along the length of my spine, and then just as Tristan was pulling out, his hand cracked against my skin hard enough to almost drop my elbows out from under me. I didn’t even have a chance to let that rush of oh God yes crash over me before he thrust into me again, and this time my arms did buckle. I caught myself before I faceplanted on the mattress, and I had a split second to feel awkward about being down on my forearms with my ass in the air before Tristan purred, “Mmm, yeah, that’s a nice view,” and he slapped me again.

The angle still felt a little awkward and embarrassing, but only for a second or two. Once Tristan grabbed my hips in both hands and started driving himself in like a piston, I didn’t care what I looked like as long as he didn’t stop. I couldn’t even tell if he was really this good, or if I was just this desperate for sex, but I didn’t care because sex this good was exactly what I needed tonight. I gripped the edge of the mattress and rocked back against him, and when he smacked my ass again, I didn’t even recognize my own voice as I moaned, “Ungh, fuck…”

Abruptly, he stopped and pulled out. “Turn over on your back.” There was a commanding note in his breathless voice, and some part of my brain still wanted to snap “I beg your pardon, MA2?” and give him a piece of my mind about insubordination. The part of my brain that was currently driving, however, barely remembered we’d ever worked together or worn uniforms at all, and it had already told my body to do as I was told.

As soon as I was situated on my back with my legs apart for him, Tristan guided himself back to me, and we both groaned as he pushed all the way in with one slow stroke. There was no need to be careful now. I was so beyond ready for him, and if I’d still been able to form words, I’d have been pleading with him to fuck me until I couldn’t move.

He rocked into me a few times, as if making sure I could still handle him. Then he slid his hands under my ass and lifted my hips up, and he held me like that as he fucked me like his life depended on it. In his powerful grip, I couldn’t move at all. There was nothing for me to do but lie back and enjoy the ride, and oh my God, I did, and his cock felt so, so good as he slammed into me again and again.

I wanted to come, I needed to come, but I fought hard not to because I wasn’t ready for this to be over. I needed to ride this wave for as long as humanly possible. I needed to spend as much time as I could completely lost in heat and sensation and hunger. Just… Just let me be oblivious and overwhelmed, because I hadn’t had sex this cathartic in…ever?

And the view alone was hot enough I’d be jerking off to it as often as possible whenever I was alone. Oh my God.

Tristan’s rhythm started to fall apart. He squeezed his eyes shut and threw his head back. “Oh fuck. Oh God…”

“You getting there?” I asked, amazed I could still form words.

He nodded. “Uh-huh. I’m gonna… God, I’m gonna come.” He stared down at me with wide, lust-filled eyes. “Get yourself off. Lemme… Lemme watch.”

I was already pumping myself before he’d even finished speaking, and we both moaned as my whole body tensed. He felt even bigger inside me, and I probably felt even tighter around him, and he kept riding me deep and hard while I jerked off.

“Mmm, yeah, that’s hot,” he growled. “Fuck, keep doing that.” From the tension in his features and the deepening flush in his face and his neck, he was getting seriously close, but he was holding back, probably trying to get me off before he came.

And damn, I wanted to keep going and enjoying this, but the need to come finally hit the point of unbearable, and my hips jerked as I cried out, “Fuck!”

My own cum had barely landed on my stomach before Tristan shuddered and swore, forcing himself as deep as he could as he came hard.

All at once, we were

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