Until the World Stops - L.A. Witt Page 0,56

still. I sank back onto the bed. Tristan hovered over me, resting on shaking arms as he took in gulps of air. “Holy…fuck.”


With a ragged sigh, he pulled out, and then he dropped onto his back beside me. For a while, we just lay there, panting and sweaty. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt this amazing. Not even when I’d come back from a deployment and had finally gotten laid after months on end with only my hand.

Turning my head, I surreptitiously watched him as he caught his breath. His eyes were closed, one arm slung over his forehead and the other hand resting in this middle of his chest, the hair damp with sweat.

Somewhere in my mind, I remembered when looking at him had made my chest tighten. Even when things weren’t so bad between us, there’d always been this undercurrent of “oh God, it’s you.” Like we both set each other’s teeth on edge just by walking into the same room.

But right now, lying in my rumpled bed, the room silent except both of us breathing hard and every breath tasting like sex, I didn’t feel that way when I looked at him. I was glad he was here. That we’d done this. Sex with Tristan was an escape from the world being on fire, but it was also like we’d finally crashed through the wall of ice that had been growing between us since we got married. All the resentment. All the regret. All the cold shoulders and passive aggression. Nothing was magically cured between us any more than the world outside was magically fixed—it just didn’t matter right now.

Tristan’s eyes fluttered, and he lowered his arm as his head lolled toward me. “That was awesome.” He sounded drunk. “We should do it again.”

“Do it again, like, tonight?” I raised an eyebrow. “Or…?”

“Tonight. Tomorrow. Next week.” He turned to me and shrugged. “Why the hell not?”

He made a valid point. Why the hell not?

“I’m in. ’Cause that was… Yeah. That was good.”

“Uh-huh. Seriously.”

“Too bad they don’t do, like, Yelp reviews on Tinder,” I slurred. “I would five-star the fuck out of you.”

Tristan laughed. “Yeah?”

“Uh-huh. Great kisser, nice dick, talks dirty, and made me come so hard the neighbors heard me. Five out of five, would bone again.”

He snorted, then we both burst out laughing, and damn, it felt good to laugh with him, especially now that we’d screwed away all the lingering tension and resentment from the past however many months. Maybe that would all be back in the morning, but tonight, it was gone, and I felt great.

“Do you, um…” I swallowed. “Do you want to sleep in here?”

Tristan met my gaze. “You want me to?”

With a playful smile, I shrugged. “Well, I mean, if one of us starts getting horny again, it’s easier than sending a text.”

He laughed, hopefully unaware of the goose bumps he was giving me. Rolling onto his side, he slid a hand over my stomach. “I’m not going to say no if it means being close enough for you to wake me up when you get a hard-on.”

I chuckled, lifted my head, and kissed him softly. We exchanged grins that said there would definitely be more between now and daylight, and then he kissed me once more before he got up.

We shared a shower that was long enough to get us both clean, and also long enough for a couple of lazy handjobs while we made out beneath the spray. Did I mention how much I loved the way Tristan kissed? Because oh, God, I could not get enough of the way Tristan kissed.

After we got out, he left the room long enough to brush his teeth and grab his cell phone charger, and then we both settled into my bed. I wasn’t sure what he had in mind as far as sharing a bed. Some guys liked to be cuddled up close. Some preferred to stay as far apart as possible. Some just went to sleep and were indifferent about the details.

As soon as Tristan and I were under the covers, we just…gravitated toward each other. I molded myself to his back and wrapped an arm around him, and he curled his fingers between mine. It seemed a little more intimate than we should’ve been, but I didn’t pull away and neither did he.

Lying there in the dark, I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the warmth of his skin. When we’d been fooling around, his body heat

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