Until the World Stops - L.A. Witt Page 0,54

my inner thigh, killing my concentration completely. How was he so good at that? One touch was like a magnet to a hard drive—totally blank. Not that I cared, though I did forget for a second why I was reaching into the drawer.

Condoms. Right. I found the strip, and—

Tristan pushed his thumb into my hole, and the condoms slipped out of my hand. Head falling forward, I whimpered with both pleasure and frustration.

“What’s wrong?” he teased, pushing his thumb in again.

“N-nothing.” I rocked back, seeking more that delicious penetration. “Goddammit…”

He laughed wickedly, and he said something I didn’t catch because whatever he was doing with his thumb occupied all of my brain cells.

“Tristan…” I fumbled for the condoms that had slipped out of my hand. “Fuck…” I finally got hold of the strip and tossed it over my shoulder. “Would you just put one on and fuck me already?”

Tristan chuckled. His thumb slid free, and I turned around. He was sitting up on his knees, rolling on the condom, and that was when a tiny bit of apprehension made itself known. In my experience, guys who were hung like large livestock were careful as hell because they were well aware of how easily they could hurt someone. It was guys endowed like Tristan—average in every way—who made me nervous. A lot of them seemed to think since they weren’t packing something dangerous, they could just shove it in. Especially after they’d already fingered me and decided that was enough.

As he rolled on the condom, I said, “Listen, I’ve bottomed a lot, but, um…take it easy at first?”

Tristan looked up, his expression puzzled. “Take it—uh, obviously?”

“Okay. Good. Some guys, uh…”

“Oh, I know.” He leaned in and kissed me lightly. “Been there, bottomed for that.” He cupped my neck as he went in for a longer kiss. “Just tell me if I’m going too fast.”

“Okay. I will.”

A lot of guys made that promise, and a lot of guys had a very different interpretation of what it meant to take it easy or go too fast.

Tristan…was not a lot of guys.

Once I was on my hands and knees and he was situated behind me, he didn’t just go slow like he wanted to be careful of hurting me. While half the guys I’d been with in recent memory had fucked me like they had a bus to catch, he went slow like he wanted to spend all night making sure I felt everything he gave me.

And holy fuck, I did.

“Oh my God…” His words came out as a low, throaty groan that made my whole body tingle with need. He took for-fucking-ever to push all the way in and slide back out, and his hands roamed my hips and my back as he just rocked in and out. I wondered if he was watching himself disappear into me. I almost always did that when I topped, and the thought of Tristan biting his lip and staring down at his dick sliding into my ass was… Wow. That was seriously hot.

By the time he started moving faster, I was so beyond ready for him, I didn’t even have that flicker of apprehension that it was about to hurt. I went straight to murmuring his name and begging for more, because his cock felt amazing. Just the right size? Just the right amount of prep and speed and need? I had no idea. I just knew he felt so damn good I couldn’t see straight.

“Like that?” He sounded so deliciously breathless.

“Y-yeah.” I gripped the sheets and the edge of the mattress as I rocked back against him. “Jesus…”

He laughed, and it was a smug laugh full of filthy promises, especially as he slid a hand over my shoulder and gripped it tight. “Ungh, you’re fucking tight. I love it.” He thrust hard for emphasis, driving a helpless whimper out of me. “Always knew you had a gorgeous ass. Should’ve known it would be fun to fuck, too.”

I bit my lip and willed my trembling arms not to collapse under me. Had I imagined Tristan talking dirty in bed when I was jerking off? Couldn’t remember. I’d definitely imagine it in the future, though, because fuck.

Holding my shoulder tight, he rode me hard, and he was definitely out of breath as he said, “You like getting your ass slapped?”

It hadn’t really done much for me in the past, but suddenly I wanted him to do it, so I nodded and made a sound that hopefully translated

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