Until the World Stops - L.A. Witt Page 0,53

been times when I’d wanted to snarl at Tristan to just shut his fucking mouth and stop talking, but this was not one of those times. I wanted him to keep right on talking, swearing, gasping, moaning, so I licked and sucked and teased every inch of him.

And I had to say—he had a nice cock. Average, which was perfect as far as I was concerned. His was probably about the same size as mine, give or take half an inch, and steel hard. Did he say he topped? Because I would bottom for him in a heartbeat if he asked. Now that we were naked, now that I was exploring every inch of his dick, I was eager to be fucked.

Though if he wanted me to top him, I sure as hell wouldn’t say no. I couldn’t think of much I would say no to tonight—I wanted him, I wanted sex, and all the details were negotiable.

Tristan swore under his breath, arching off the bed as I teased him all over. “Let me… Let me…” His fingers twitched on my shoulder, and he managed a ragged whisper of, “Oh God…”

I’d have grinned if I hadn’t had a mouthful of thick, hard cock, but I did give a little moan in response and ran my tongue from base to tip again.

“Fuck,” he breathe. “I don’t… I don’t want you to stop, but…” He squirmed. “How about you give my mouth something to do?”

Oh. Oh. Well, when he put it like that…

I didn’t have to say a word and neither did he. We shifted around, and I’d barely closed my fingers around Tristan’s cock before my own cock was in his mouth.

Holy shit. Listening to him moan was hot. Feeling him moan while he deep-throated me? Oh. Fuck. I’d thought his mouth was amazing we were kissing. When he was sucking dick? Whoa.

I didn’t know what turned me on more, but whatever. It was all amazing, and I dug my fingers into his thigh and groaned as I took him deeper in my throat and rocked my hips to urge him to do the same. He took the hint, and the feedback loop of slowly, carefully deep-throating each other was ridiculously hot. I didn’t think I’d ever done or received this much deep-throating at one time, and it was so, so good.

After a while, he pushed a spit-slicked finger into my ass. Then I did the same to him. I added a second finger. So did he. Oh God, I could’ve gone on forever like this, just languidly blowing and fingering each other as we both moaned around each other’s dicks. I’d always loved sixty-nining, and doing it with someone who treated it like the main attraction instead of just a step toward something better was the most decadent, indulgent thing I could imagine. I probably could have come from this, but I could also ride it and enjoy it, and Tristan seemed perfectly content to do the same.

Except the longer we did this and the more he turned me on, the more I wanted him to throw me down and fuck me. I could come from what we were doing, but right now, I wanted to come with Tristan balls deep in me. Just thinking about that made me shiver so hard I had to lift my head off his cock and gasp.

I couldn’t wait. Not another minute. Especially since we’d be touching a lot more than we were now, and I was hungry for as much contact as I could get.

Still stroking him, I said, “Tristan…” But that was as far as I got before I had to pause to catch my breath and collect my thoughts.

“Hmm?” His voice against my cock didn’t do a damn thing to help me do either of those things.

Closing my eyes, I shivered. “I want… I want you on top.”

As if I wasn’t already turned on beyond words, the way his cock stiffened in my hand at the same time he moaned around my dick… Jesus.

He lifted his head as he slipped his fingers free. “Hell yeah, I’ll be on top.”

We separated, shifted around, and came together in a breathless, needy kiss. I wanted him to top me right the hell now, but every time he kissed me, I lost track of everything else.

“Condoms?” he asked, lips barely leaving mine.

“Mmhmm.” I kissed him once more, then drew back and reached for the nightstand. As I was opening the drawer, Tristan’s hand slid up

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