Until the World Stops - L.A. Witt Page 0,52

to sting my scalp.

Abruptly, he broke the kiss, and we stared at each other, both breathing hard. I thought he was shaking. Maybe that was just me.

“Okay, so…” His eyes burned with need as he gazed into mine. “I think you’re on to something.”

“Hooking up?”

“Uh-huh.” Sliding a hand behind my neck, he drew me back in and growled, “Definitely a good idea.”

“Yeah. It is.” I kissed him again, hungrier this time. “Really… Really good idea.”

He moaned softly, digging his fingers into the back of my neck. Barely breaking the kiss, he murmured, “You top or bottom?”

My knees almost shook out from under me just from the thought of us fucking.

“Depends.” I nipped his lower lip. “Which way makes you come the hardest?

Oh, God, that soft, helpless whimper was the hottest thing I’d heard in a long time.

“I have condoms,” he mumbled. “Upstairs. Lube too.”

“Same. Think we should use them?”

“Yes. Like…now.”

“Good…good idea.”

He must have agreed, because he grabbed my hand and led me toward the stairs.

Chapter 15


Sinking naked onto my bed with Tristan’s hips between my thighs, I seriously felt like I was both on an orgasm hair trigger and like I’d already come. Like I already had the relief of a long overdue release even though my dick was still hard and we’d only just stripped off our clothes.

No, I hadn’t come yet, but holy fuck, the relief of wrapping my arms and legs around this gorgeous man—oh my God.

In a matter of weeks, we’d found ourselves in a world where everyone stayed six feet apart and no one could touch, and I hadn’t realized just how much I’d been missing any kind of intimacy—even a casual hookup—until Tristan’s naked skin was against mine.

For months, sex had been a means of escaping when I didn’t want to come home. Now it was a hunger for closeness and contact, ironically with the man I’d been trying to escape before.

It didn’t make sense. It didn’t have to. I grabbed on and held on, and I let myself get drunk off the heat of another person. Off the heat and hunger of Tristan.

And the way he kissed? Ooh, fuck. He had the kind of toe-curling, mind-blowing kiss that made everything else disappear. His lips were firm enough not to tickle mine and soft enough to make my whole body melt, and his tongue teased and explored like nothing in the world turned him on more than tasting another man’s mouth. Some guys kissed like they’d learned from watching those pornos where the hottest part was watching the men make out. Tristan kissed like all the men in those videos had learned from him.

I slid my hands all over his naked skin. He was built, and tracing my fingers and palms over the contours of his muscles made my heart go wild, but so did just touching him. I’d seen Tristan shirtless when he’d worked out in the tiny gym on-base and when he walked around the house in just his gym shorts, and even when I’d wanted to throttle him, I could never deny that he was hot.

He broke the kiss, and I wanted to protest and demand he put his mouth against mine where it belonged, but then his lips were on my neck and I almost fucking came. One brush of soft lips and coarse stubble on my throat, and my back arched, pushing my chest against his. He groaned and rocked his hips, rubbing his dick against mine as his lips skated up and down my neck.

“Goddammit,” he breathed against my neck. “I want you so bad.”

“Mmm, tell me what you want.” I slid my palms up his arms. “Anything you want.”

He moaned softly, and paused to nip my shoulder. “I want you to blow me.”

Why was it so surprising—and so, so hot—that Tristan was bossy in bed?

I squirmed under him. “Then move.”

He moved. He shifted onto his back, and I followed but didn’t even pause for a kiss before I leaned down and ran my tongue down the length of his cock. The startled, choked sound he made had me ready to come unglued. His hand slid up my back as I took him deeper in my mouth, and he murmured, “Oh fuck, baby, that’s good.” I’d never heard that low, sultry growl from him before. I wanted to hear it again, so I licked my way back to the head of his dick and circled it with my tongue. I was rewarded with another moan and a “Jesus…”


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