An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,61

for Melody or her greedy family, but for the workers Parsons employed.

* * * *

Bree raised her head and saw Malcolm watching them intently. She smiled timidly and received a grin in return. Her heart leapt. He must care for her. He couldn't possibly look at her with such love if he intended to send her away. He seemed impatient to wed her and excited about the party.

She wished Melody weren't invited, but the annoying woman stopped by and accepted the invitation in person, cooing about the dress she intended to wear. She even had the nerve to say she expected Malcolm to inspect every inch of it and tell her how it compared to the current French fashions.

The dark-blue frock Melody had worn that morning, and which she referred to as "this old thing," set off her fair hair to perfection, and the low-cut bodice exposed far too much creamy bosom to Bree's thinking. If the new gown was anywhere near as lovely as she bragged, every man's eyes would be on the blonde, maybe even Malcolm's.

Elizabeth interrupted her morose thoughts. "Oh, Bree, dear, this one would be perfect for you."

Bree forced her mind off Melody and back to the book.

Elizabeth pointed at a beautiful gown. "The style is exactly right. We'll do your hair up high." The older woman grew more excited as she added details with a pencil. "We'll add a 196

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

rosette here and extend the lace so it drapes over your wrists. She turned to her son. "Malcolm, we still have several yards of that heavy caramel satin from our test run, don't we?"

"I believe so. I'll run check. When I return, we'd best get back home. Bertie will have dinner on the table and no one to eat it." He left the room.

By the time he returned, Elizabeth had made several more alterations to the design, and Bree shook her head in wonder.

"I never would have thought to add those tassels. I'm sure you're as good a designer as any of the French."

Elizabeth blushed and shook her head, but Bree could see she was pleased.

* * * *

The night before the event Elizabeth retired early, exhausted from endless preparations over the past few weeks. Bree stayed up, working frantically to put the finishing touches on her party dress. Elizabeth's gown, completed earlier in the day, hung in the corner. Malcolm hadn't yet returned from a late day at one of the finishing mills. He'd been busy the whole week trying to refamiliarize himself with the company's myriad operations.

It was late when she laid her finished gown on the cutting table and wandered down to the parlor. The nights were still cool as summer made a tardy appearance and a small fire burned in the grate, making the room cozy and casting flickering shadows on the walls. She drew near and stared into the flames, mesmerized by the dancing colors. The front 197

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

door opened and she heard footsteps crossing the floor. With a happy smile, she turned and took several steps before she realized it was Eldon who stood before her.

A slow smile crept over his face, and shivers of revulsion ran down her back. As he advanced, Bree retreated until she felt the heat of the fire. She glanced back and realized flames licked only inches from her skirt. She took an involuntary step forward and found herself pressed to Eldon's chest. His arms slithered around her back and pulled her tight.

"My, my, what an enjoyable welcome, dear Bree. Had I known you were here waiting for me with such eagerness, I would have hurried."

She struggled in his embrace, but his arms tightened painfully, causing her to gasp for breath. "Let me go, Mr.

DuMont." She couldn't bear to call him by his given name. "I thought you were Malcolm. I want to go to my room now."

He chuckled deep in his throat and shook his head, eyes hooded. He leaned down, his mouth so close to her ear she could feel the warmth of his breath, and goose bumps rose on her skin. "I'd like to go to your room too, my dear. We could have a bit of fun while I taught you so many things. Why, by the time we finished, you'd know exactly how to please Malcolm. I could correct your mistakes and save him ever so much time."

Wincing in disgust, Bree turned away. Eldon let go with one hand and his long fingers Copyright 2016 - 2024