An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,60

better convince him. If something doesn't happen soon, we'll lose the mill, our home, and everything we own. I do not intend to go to the poor house because you weren't able to hold on to your man," her mother griped.

Melody whirled in fury. "If Father had any business sense at all we wouldn't be in this mess!"


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Her mother didn't flinch. "If your father had any business sense, he would have sold the damn mill to Percy when he offered to buy it. But no, he played coy and demanded more money. Even then, Percy probably would have paid it if he hadn't up and died on us." She stood and paced, then stopped in front of Melody. She grasped her daughter's chin in a hard grip and tilted her head side to side. "There's not a prettier girl in the whole state. If it was just beauty Malcolm craved, we wouldn't have a worry in the world." She paused, frowning. "Although I heard this Bree is lovely." She glanced at her daughter, seeking confirmation.

"Hah! Who did you hear that from? She's no better than a child, with pasty skin, hideous red hair and freckles for God's sake." Even as she played down Bree's appearance, Melody knew she was quite extraordinary. Malcolm's fiancée might look young, but the body under the stylish clothes was that of a full-grown woman. Melody turned back to the mirror and closely observed her own figure. She was taller, more statuesque, she thought with a smile, then frowned as she noted her breasts were not quite as prominent as the redhead's. If Mother was any indication, her hips would eventually broaden too much but until then Melody felt confident she could outshine that country bumpkin Bridget if given the proper presentation.

She kicked at the pile of rumpled clothing. "I need a new gown for the party."

"And how do you expect to pay for it?" her mother snapped. "We've no credit left in town."


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

"You'll have to find it. I can't attend the party in any of these—everyone has seen them before."

Her mother got a sly gleam in her eye. "Perhaps if we hurry we can get Mrs. Belvins to make you a dress on Malcolm's credit before she finds out he has a fiancée. She's so hard of hearing, unless someone has told her straight out, she won't know a thing." She stood and bustled out of the room.

Melody sighed with relief. If Mother was good at anything, it was wringing concessions out of the trade's people. If anyone could finagle a new dress, her mother could. It might be the last unless she won Malcolm over. She sat at the dressing table and played with her hair to find a becoming style for the party.

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An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Chapter 29

Elizabeth and Bree flipped through the design book. The older woman mourned the loss of her sketches from her recent trip to France, but at Bree's and Malcolm's urging had been trying to recreate what she could remember.

Malcolm sat at the desk in his office at the mill, watching the two women so intently discussing fashion details. Their faces were close together—one mature, the other young—one with pale hair, the other with masses of deep auburn. His heart gave a hard thump as he thought how close he'd come to losing them both. He couldn't imagine life without either of them.

He had thought, under the circumstances, his mother would allow a quick wedding but that hope had been kyboshed immediately. Elizabeth adamantly insisted on sufficient time to put together the wedding she always envisioned for her only son. He was slightly pacified by the engagement party that was in the works. The entire county had been invited to meet Bree. Malcolm knew such a large party would be a burden for the house staff so soon after the family's return, but he was anxious to let everyone know he'd found his one true love.

Malcolm's thoughts turned to Melody and her accusations.

Maybe he had expected he would marry Melody eventually. It would have been a huge mistake. Marriage to someone as demanding and selfish as her would have been painfully uncomfortable, in addition to saddling him with her harridan 195

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

of a mother and a drunken sot for a father-in-law. Parsons had financial problems, made worse when Eldon refused to do business with the mill. That was something Malcolm intended to change—not Copyright 2016 - 2024