An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,62

fastened on her chin, inexorably turning her face toward him. Horrified, she saw his head lower. He intended to kiss her! She struggled harder, her heart racing. "Let me be. Stop it!"


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

"Yes, Eldon. Do stop," Malcolm commanded from across the room.

Bree stumbled back as Eldon shoved her away and whirled to face his stepson. Malcolm strode toward them, fists bunched, and swung at Eldon. Bree screamed at a sudden searing pain.

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An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Chapter 30

When Eldon shoved her, Bree stepped back toward the fire. The hem of her dress landed in the coals and smoldered only an instant before igniting. The underskirts burst into flame and the entire back was alight almost immediately.

Malcolm swerved from his direct path toward Eldon. He caught her arm, pushing Bree to the floor, and rolled her across the carpet while trying to strip off his jacket with one hand. As soon as the jacket came free, he wrapped it around her lower body and smothered the flames. Eldon fled the room. In an effort to make sure the gown no longer smoldered, Malcolm tore at the shredded fabric of her skirt and slips and in a moment, she was naked from the waist down. Bree gasped in pain and plucked at her calves. He realized her silk stockings were melted onto her skin.

The sound of running feet caused Malcolm to drape his jacket over Bree's exposed limbs and he moved around to shield her from the doorway. Hannah, the maid, stopped as she saw Malcolm kneeling over a prostrate Bree.

"I thought I heard a scream, sir." The maid's forehead crinkled and her mouth widened into an "O" as she looked back and forth between Malcolm and Bree. He knew how it must appear, with Bree flat on her back, clothing scattered around the room, and him hovering over her.

"Fetch my mother. Miss Bridget's been burned. And get her a wrapper."


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

The maid's eyes widened. "Yes, sir." She turned on her heel and fled.

Elizabeth, wrapped in a robe, her hair covered with a frilly satin cap, rushed in a few moments later. She examined Bree's legs closely then sent Hannah for fresh butter when the maid returned with Bree's robe.

"I don't think it burned too deeply. The butter will soften the skin and help get the stockings off." She looked into Bree's tear-filled eyes. "It will be painful for a while, but I don't think there will be any scarring."

Bree bit her lip and squirmed as the stockings were peeled off, but as Elizabeth said, the burns were mostly superficial.

Malcolm left for several moments and returned with a small crock of ointment, which he rubbed over the reddened areas.

"This is a special concoction old Murray makes. It's a recipe his family has handed down for generations. I don't know what's in it, but it will heal almost anything. It seems to help a great deal with pain as well. He's used it on all of us at one time or another, and on most of the animals around here too." He grinned at the expression of distaste on her face. "I think he keeps the stuff for the animals in a different jar," he said, trying to tease away her fear.

Bree smiled then yawned.

Elizabeth stood and pointed at the stairs. "To bed with you both. Tomorrow is a busy day, and I want Bree to get plenty of rest. She may not feel like dancing tomorrow, but I think she'll still enjoy the party." She helped the maid gather the scorched fabric scraps then headed upstairs.


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Malcolm helped Bree to her feet. "I'd carry you, but I'm afraid I'd hurt your legs more than if you walk."

"I'm fine. It doesn't hurt at all now. That salve is amazing."

The tie on her robe slipped loose and the soft fabric gaped open, drawing Malcolm's attention to the exposed silken thighs, the tiny area of auburn fluff standing out against her pale skin. He swallowed a hard lump that suddenly stuck in his throat and forced his eyes back to her face.

Bree gasped, jerking the robe close and hurriedly retying the belt. She stared at him, a deep rose suffusing her face.

Her eyes widened at his expression.

Malcolm knew he probably resembled a wolf contemplating a rabbit. The instinct to pull her to him, raining kisses over her body as his hands sought out the now-hidden treasure, was strong. Only the trusting look in Copyright 2016 - 2024