An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,46

off her shoulder.

Bree's eyelids fluttered at the sudden spasm of passion that threatened to burst her into pieces. Malcolm's lips pressed warm kisses from the corner of her mouth, down her neck, lingering on her collarbone before slipping lower. As his tongue licked at her nipple, Bree gasped in shock. The heat of his mouth closing over the swollen bud drove her mad. She felt a sudden wetness between her thighs. All these sensations were so new, so powerful. She placed a shaking hand against his chest and pushed.

"Please, you must stop. I ... I ... don't know what..." Her body cried out for more, but her mind urged caution against the multitude of strange, exciting sensations.

Malcolm allowed her to push him away with only a small groan. He bent and kissed her on the forehead then sighed deeply and leaned back to look at her, his grin lopsided.

"You're right about that. I must stop or prove Eldon only too right. But it's just until we're wed, my love. Then, I intend to start again. And again. And again."

They turned at a soft knock from the door. This time there was no start of guilt. No embarrassment.

Elizabeth called, "Bree, dear? Peter says he'll have hors d'

oeuvres ready shortly. Will you join us, please?"

Bree slipped off Malcolm's lap and quickly adjusted her gown, still feeling the imprint of Malcolm's lip on the sensitive 150

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

nub. As she would have stepped away from him, he caught her hand and kept her close. He stood and opened the door.

"Come in, Mother. We'd like to speak with you a moment.


If Elizabeth was surprised to find her son in the seamstress' room she hid it well, grasping Bree's hands and apologizing, "My dear, I'm so sorry. Eldon had no right to say what he did. We had quite a row about it just now."

Malcolm gently cut her off. "Mother, don't worry. We don't care what Eldon has to say. What matters is I've asked Bree to marry me, and she's accepted. I hope you approve, but even if you don't, I know you'll be too gracious to act as he did."

Elizabeth's gray eyes widened and her gaze flicked back and forth between them. Bree held her breath.

The older woman's chin raised and her face took on a thoughtful expression. Then she gave a quick nod as a broad smile spread over her face. Elizabeth stepped forward, enfolded Bree in her arms and planted a light kiss to her temple. "I told you I always wished for a daughter, dear. Now I'll have one." She released Bree and pulled Malcolm's head down to kiss his cheek. "Congratulations, my boy. I've had moments I worried about you, but not now. I think you'll be fine. Oh, this is wonderful. A wedding. I've never planned a wedding! Percy's mother made all the arrangements when we married, and Eldon insisted on a small service at the chapel near The Dell. I'm so excited. Come on, you two. We're going to open a split of Champagne—or two—and toast the occasion. And I assure you, Eldon will behave himself." From 151

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

the look in her future mother-in-law's eye, Bree thought he'd better, if he knew what was good for him.

The three of them made their way back to the lounge and Elizabeth announced to Eldon he would soon be a stepfather-in-law. He choked on his whiskey and soda, but wisely nodded and said, "I suppose congratulations are in order. You chose a lovely young lady for your bride, Malcolm. I'm sure the two of you will be very happy."

Bree noted Eldon's white-knuckled grip around his glass and the way his smile didn't reach his eyes, and knew the man held back furious anger. She took a step closer to Malcolm, comforted when he immediately slipped his arm around her and pulled her securely against his shoulder.

Eldon sat in the background drinking the rest of the night while they made wedding plans. When Bree yawned widely and made embarrassed apologies, Elizabeth shooed the younger pair off to bed. Eldon declined to follow, saying he wasn't tired.

Elizabeth walked ahead of them, stopping at Bree's door.

She turned and hugged her future daughter-in-law, kissed her on the forehead and said, "I'm so happy, my dear. Truly."

"And perhaps a bit surprised?" Malcolm teased.

"Well, yes, maybe a little. But only for a moment. Now, it's been a busy day and I don't want either of you falling ill again." She gave Copyright 2016 - 2024