An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,47

him a knowing smile and went to her room.

"What she means is she expects us in our respective rooms in the very near future." Their gazes met and he bent down for a long, tender kiss. Malcolm straightened and groaned. "I hope you two get this wedding put together soon, 152

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

because walking away from you is getting harder by the moment."

Bree giggled, stood on her tiptoes and brought his face back down for another quick kiss. "Good night, Malcolm," she whispered and slipped into her room.

She closed the door and leaned back, eyes closed, and murmured, " Caidil gu math, caomh." She danced across the room, twirling, and flung herself into the chair. As she stared at the elaborate tin ceiling, she marveled at the changes in her life. A few weeks ago, she was essentially a slave to her family and the Rothberrys. After nearly dying on the Titanic, she was betrothed to an incredibly handsome, loving man, and had gained a dear new friend in Elizabeth. She reached up, touched the cross and closed her eyes. "Thank you." Bree felt as if she were floating on a cloud as she quickly prepared for bed and climbed into the fold-down berth, which Peter had made up for her while they celebrated. The mattress was a bit hard, but the soft pillow and monogrammed sheets were more comfortable than any bedding she'd ever experienced.

The cashmere blanket felt light as a feather. She turned down the gaslight and burrowed in, soothed by the repetitive clickety-clack of the train's wheels. An exhausted sleep overcame her almost immediately.

* * * *

Eldon poured another stiff drink and plopped down on the sofa, not caring if his dirty boots left a smear across the fine fabric. This had been a trying day. First, in a city of more than a million people, he managed to run into one of the dozen 153

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

men who knew how he really got off the damn ship. Of course the police would never believe the man, not over the word of a DuMont. But what if they talked to more of the crewmen from the lifeboat? And there was always the possibility someone had seen him with the steward, Timmy, and Peterson. Some bleeding heart would probably make a big deal about the death of a drunken sot and a servant, and he'd find himself having to defend his actions. Any fool could see it was the only way he could have gotten off the ship, and of the three, he was certainly the most valuable.

He swirled the amber liquid in the heavy cut glass tumbler.

Good thing he was on his way out of the city. The chances of running into any of the crewmen in Linton were negligible.

The police up there knew which side their bread was buttered on as well. They wouldn't risk upsetting Elizabeth with wild accusations.

He relaxed. There wasn't anything to worry about, not really. He'd stick close to home for a while, make sure no problems came up then get back to business. He was disappointed with the seamstress, though. She'd had potential, until she managed to snag Malcolm. It would have been interesting to see how long it took for her to switch her loyalties from Elizabeth to him. Ah, well, there were other diversions available. One woman was the same as the other, especially in the dark.

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An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Chapter 21

The next day passed quickly as the train rumbled across the countryside and made stops at several towns. Their car was uncoupled from one train and added to another two times before the conductor knocked at the door and said they were approaching Linton.

Malcolm went down the hall with Bree and helped gather her few belongings.

"Is it far to your home?" she asked as they stepped into the corridor.

Malcolm hefted her bags and took them back to the observation platform to set them with the others. "No. The car will be waiting for us at the station, and it's only another thirty minutes or so to the house."

* * * *

Bree sat on a sofa in the lounge, positioned so she could see out one of the big windows. The train slowed to a crawl, jerking and creaking as it approached a rustic train station. A large, sleek Rolls Royce, the pearly silver paint polished to a high sheen, idled next to the siding. A uniformed chauffeur stood at attention, Copyright 2016 - 2024