An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,45

said what he did to get this exact reaction. He wants to upset you, anger me, humiliate us both. Don't let him do it. I'm not sorry, or ashamed, by what happened between us. As a matter of fact, I've been praying for the opportunity for days." She started to protest and he shook his head.

"Hear me out. I know you think me a cad. A rich playboy like Eldon said. But it's not true, at least not since the day I first met you. When you were ill and I thought I would lose you, I wished I'd gone to the bottom of the sea on that damn ship. And when you got better, I couldn't wait to tell you how I felt. I didn't intend it to be in quite this manner, but I don't care. I've fallen in love with you, Bree. You have more life in 147

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

your little finger than any ten women I've ever known in my life. Don't let him run you off. Because I'll have to keep coming after you. Please."

Bree was speechless. He said he loves me. Gu sealladh orm! She searched his eyes, and saw no sign of jest, just an incredibly intense, hopeful stare. She reached up and laid her hand against his cheek. His eyes closed as he turned and nuzzled her palm. She was overwhelmed with emotion and felt tears well. Malcolm's sapphire eyes opened and, in a quick movement, he pulled her close. His mouth descended.

Her lashes lowered as she reveled in the taste of his lips, the feel of his hands sliding up and down her back, the pressure of his firm chest against her tender breasts. It was heaven.

When he finally raised his head she clung to him, not at all sure her knees would hold her up. He didn't seem to mind.

Blue eyes stared deeply into hers. "Bree, marry me."

Her legs did give out and only his strong grip kept her from falling. He bent and slipped an arm under her knees, picking her up and carrying her to the overstuffed chair in the corner. He sank into it with her in his lap, her cheek against his shoulder, palm resting over his heart. She felt it beating very fast, and knew hers did the same. Bree tipped her head back and looked up. He stared down at her, his expression somber.

"Marry you? We hardly know each other, Malcolm, a ghaoil."

"What does that mean? It's beautiful, like you."

She hesitated. Did she mean it? Could she possibly love a man she'd only known a few weeks? Yes. The answer came to 148

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

her so quickly and so clearly there was no room for doubt. "It means 'my love'. And yes. If you truly want to marry me, yes."

Malcolm threw his head back and howled like a wolf, then leaned down and kissed her very thoroughly. Bree shivered as his tongue slid along her lips, probing, then slipped inside to play. It was such a strange sensation, but she tentatively reciprocated.

At her response, his arms tightened and Malcolm twisted in the seat a fraction so her hip rested fully in his lap. She felt the heat of him through her clothing. Bree's eyes opened wide as she became aware of the hard length pressing against her.

Malcolm sensed her growing consternation and cupped her face gently with his hand. "I won't hurt you. I can't help wanting you, but I'll never push you." He bent down and kissed her again. His touch was so tender her fears instantly melted away. Light as a feather, his hand slid up her arm to rest at her neck, his thumb brushing the soft niche under her ear. Malcolm's other hand slipped around her waist. As his kiss deepened, a delicious warmth spread from her center.

Her arm was pinned between them, his heartbeat reverberating through her. She looped her free arm around his neck, fingers twining in the curls at his collar. Through her gown, the heat from Malcolm's hand seemed to brand her.

His thumb stroked back and forth across her ribs a mere inch from her breast. She sighed, or was it a moan of pleasure?

Bree wasn't sure.


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

His wayward hand slipped up to her breast, his thumb grazing her nipple, which blossomed until it puckered her gown. Mouth slanted, his lips pressed down with a feverish urgency as his hand slipped into the bodice and slowly nudged the fabric Copyright 2016 - 2024