An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,44

carpets, but the lounge was far grander. A marble-mantled fireplace abutted the wall adjacent to the galley. One front corner of the car sported a baby grand piano, and elegant chandeliers hung from the coffered ceiling. Comfortable-looking sofas and chairs were scattered around the room in casual groupings while Oriental rugs covered the polished wood floor. In the corner near the 144

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

galley sat an inlaid dining table and six chairs. Large picture windows filled almost all the wall space.

Bree gazed out one of the velvet-flanked windows and watched the crowds milling about on the platform. Before she turned away, she noticed the russet-haired man staring directly at her. She sucked in her breath, her hand grasping the cross she always wore.

"What is it?" Malcolm asked, seeing her expression.

"That man, the one your stepfather argued with. He's out there. He was staring right at me."

He strode to the window. "Where?"

She stepped up beside him. "There, by the column." She searched in vain for the bright thatch of hair. "He's not there now. I know I saw him, truly I did."

Malcolm frowned. "I'm sure you did. He probably followed us. Whatever is going on between him and Eldon doesn't appear settled yet."

A knock on the front door caused Bree to jerk in surprise.

The portal opened and the conductor stuck his head in.

"Leavin' in a moment, folks. Everyone aboard?"

"Yes, thanks. We're all set."

The man tipped his hat and retreated. A short time later, they heard a clank and felt a hard tug, followed by squealing wheels and the sensation of slow, jarring movements.

Bree staggered and fell into Malcolm's chest. He caught her, holding her tightly to his rock-hard body for a moment.

His hands slid from her shoulders down to her wrists before he slowly stepped back, keeping a grip on her hands. She bit her lip and looked away, shocked at how her heart beat faster 145

An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

as he held her. And wishing for another jerk to send her back into his arms.


She gazed up at him, the serious tone a far cry from the casual banter he usually used. His deep blue eyes glittered with emotion as they bored into hers. There was an intensity in his whole being that excited and frightened her at the same time. He took a step forward, and she tipped her head up to see his face. His hands returned to her arms, sliding up and down gently, then snaked around her back. She held her breath. His head bent down and she caught a whiff of his spicy cologne. As his warm lips touched hers, she melted against him, and his arms tightened. She didn't know how long the embrace went on, but a sudden loud cough brought them back to the real world. Malcolm's arms dropped, and they whirled around to see a smirking Eldon leaning casually on a dining chair.

"Well, well. This is a surprise. The innocent little seamstress and the rich playboy. Could there be a more clichéd scenario? Be careful, my dear. Our Malcolm has quite a reputation with the ladies. Elizabeth might not appreciate the two of you carrying on right under her nose, either."

Eldon's sneering tone brought a burning flush to Bree's face.

"Shut up, Eldon," Malcolm snapped.

Bree stared at him, surprised at his furious tone.

Eldon took a stride toward them, his fists bunched, but before he crossed the swaying room, Elizabeth stepped out of the corridor. "What's the matter? Malcolm, what's going on?"


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

"Nothing, Mother. Eldon seems to think I'm trying to seduce your seamstress. I was about to explain what I feel for Bree is none of his business, and I've never considered her the menial servant he does. Now, if you will excuse us, I'll escort Bree to her stateroom so she can freshen up."

He took Bree's numb arm and headed toward the rear of the car, brushing hard against Eldon, who was knocked to the side when he refused to give way. Bree dropped her eyes, mortified, as they passed Elizabeth.

Malcolm paused at the doorway to her room. She would have left him there, but he gently pushed her inside, followed, and shut the door. She gasped. Surely he didn't think he could accost her—and that she would allow it—after being so embarrassed?

She opened her mouth to give him a piece of her mind, but he pressed his index finger to her lips, halting her tirade.

"Bree, wait. I know what you think. It's not true. Eldon Copyright 2016 - 2024