An Unsinkable Love - By Terri Benson Page 0,43

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"You can't fool me, Mister High-and-Mighty. I saw what you did. You killed old Latimer, shot him clean through. An'

here you are, lettin' everyone call you a hero. Hero, my ass.


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

You're a murderer, you are, and a yellow-bellied coward to boot!"

Bree saw Eldon, staring down at a scrawny, roughly dressed man with ginger hair and no hat, who shook his finger under the taller man's nose. Eldon's furious expression changed subtly, almost like fear, as he realized the three of them were observing the argument.

Eldon drew himself up to his full height of well over six feet, and said loudly, "You're drunk. I don't know who you are, or why you're making such absurd accusations. I suggest you leave immediately and seek medical help. You're obviously ill. Otherwise, I will summon the police."

"Eldon, what's this about?" Elizabeth stepped near.

"It's nothing, my dear. Just an inebriated or mentally ill person who is quite delusional." He turned away, but the man grabbed his arm.

"You can lie to them, me bucko, but I knows better. I'm leavin', so I am. But I'm headed straight to the pier. And I'm gonna tell them what you did. If I can find Timmy, he'll tell

'em you paid him to get on the lifeboat. You won't be so high an' mighty when the coppers come for you."

Eldon whirled and grabbed the man by the ragged lapels of his coat. "Don't threaten me, you little weasel! If you think the police would believe your wild story, you truly are crazy.

I'm a respected man, very well connected. I have nothing to fear from you. Now get out of my sight before the coppers come looking for you." He shoved the man so hard he fell on his backside and slid into the feet of some bystanders.


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

The redhead struggled to his knees as he snarled. "You'll be sorry, you will. Fred Dunby don't let no man push him around. Especially a liar and a killer. Just you wait." He gathered himself up and jerked his coat back down where it belonged. "You'll see," he muttered as he turned on his heel and stalked into the crowd.

The four of them stood awkwardly as the bystanders wandered off. Bree was thankful their train was announced and they hurried off to their boarding track. No one mentioned the stranger's accusations, but Bree wondered if there was anything to them.

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She forgot all about the redheaded man as she laid eyes on the ornately decorated private railcar connected to the end of the train. They entered from the observation platform on the rear and stepped straight into a hallway. Eldon and Elizabeth preceded them, turning into the first doorway and closing the carved wooden door. Bree quickly took Malcolm up on his offer to show her around the car as the sound of raised voices came from behind the closed portal. He opened the door to the second stateroom, his, then the third, assigned to her.

"How clever. A bed that folds down off the wall. I'm sure it'll be quite cozy and comfortable with the chair and picture window." Bree brushed past him and turned around in the middle of the room, admiring the watered silk wallpaper and plush Aubusson carpet.


An Unsinkable Love

by Terri Benson

Malcolm laughed. "It feels comfortable now, but with the bed down there's hardly room to turn around." He motioned to a narrow door on the wall. "The powder room is through there. There is a larger bathing chamber next door, which we all share."

He led her into the corridor and farther down the car. They passed a neat and compact galley where a white-haired black man put packages into cupboards.

"Hello, Peter. Good to see you again," Malcolm said as the man turned from his duties.

The dark face split into a wide grin, showing large white teeth. "Good day to you, Mr. Malcolm. Things haven't been the same with you gone. I got your favorites in here." Peter nodded toward the cupboard.

Malcolm chuckled and said, "I can't wait. This is Miss Barry. She's traveling up to The Dell with us."

"Afternoon, miss. You need anything, you let me know."

Bree smiled. "Thank you. I can't imagine what could be missing from this magnificent train. I've never seen anything like it." Peter smiled proprietarily and went back to work.

Malcolm took her elbow and guided her into the lounge.

The other rooms were richly appointed with heavy carved wood, patterned tin ceiling and thick Copyright 2016 - 2024