Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,99

we spent most evenings on the couch working on a paper or studying for a test. It felt nice to have our old connection back after all those months of awkwardness.

I still thought of my mom from time to time. Danny had given me a picture of her that my aunt had from their childhood and I kept it in the drawer beside my bed. I pulled it out once in a while and stared at the innocent child my mother had once been. I like to picture her that way, instead of the horrible person she had become. After all, everyone was innocent in the beginning and my mother had been no different.

It was Friday night again, and I had decided to spend the evening on the couch with my collection of Johnny Depp movies. I popped a bag of popcorn and grabbed the blanket from my room before putting in the first movie and settling onto the couch.

Logan had gone back to his job at the shop and was working late tonight. Amber was running around the house, trying to get ready for another party.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come with me?” She pleaded. “I bet you would find a hot guy to bring you out of your dry spell.”

“I’m perfectly happy being in a dry spell as long as Johnny Depp is here to entertain me.” I said as I stuck my tongue out at her.

“Oh come on, you haven’t had sex since Drake. You’ve got to be going nuts.”

I winced at the mention of sex. I didn’t even want to date someone, let alone get all naked and sweaty with them.

“Sex is for chumps. I have popcorn.”

She laughed as she slipped her feet into a pair of heels. “Popcorn, right. You have fun with that while I’m out finding a cute guy to get naked and sweaty with.”

“I will.” I said as I turned my attention back to the television.

Amber sighed as she turned and walked back to her room. “I give up.”

I rolled my eyes as I stuffed more popcorn in my mouth. I knew she was only looking out for me, but her constantly playing cupid was starting to drive me nuts. I did have to admit that I missed sex, but I wasn’t ready to take that leap just yet.

While I knew I could go find some random guy that I’d never have to see again for a one night stand, that wasn’t my style. Besides, sex was the only thing that I had left from my relationship with Drake and I wasn’t ready to let that go just yet. Call me crazy, but I liked knowing that Drake was the last person I had been with.

Just as the movie was starting to get good, someone knocked at the door.

“Amber!” I yelled, not wanting to pause the movie.

“What?” She yelled back.

“Someone’s at the door! Answer it!”

“I’m peeing, you get it!”

I groaned as I reached for the remote and paused Johnny. Another knock came at the door as I threw my blanket and stood.

“Hold your ass, I’m coming!” I shouted as I walked to the door.

I had no idea who would be knocking at our door, and frankly I didn’t care. They were interrupting my quality time with the closest thing I had to a boyfriend.

I threw the door open and glared at the figure standing on our porch. “Yes?”

The figure turned around and my heart stopped. My mouth hung open as I stared at Drake standing on my front porch, completely at ease.

“Hi Chloe.” He said as he gave me a small smile.

At that point, I did what any self-respecting crazy woman would do. I slammed the door in his face and ran toward my room. I nearly knocked Amber down as I ran past her when she came out of the bathroom.

“Ahhh!” She shrieked as she grabbed the wall to steady herself. “What the fuck Chloe?”

The doorbell rang again and my head snapped up to look at the door. “Don’t answer it!”

“What? Why? Who is it?”

I shook my head as I grabbed my door knob and ran inside my room. I fell onto the bed and hid my head under the pillows. There was no way that Drake could be standing at my front door after over six months of nothing from him. I had no idea what he wanted and I didn’t care. Him showing up here would only end with me being hurt all over again and I Copyright 2016 - 2024