Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,98


I pulled my phone from my pocket and took a deep breath as I sent her a text.

Me: Hey Jade, long time no see. I just wanted to let you know I saw your video and it rocked! Xoxo

That seemed good enough for me; I had tried to contact her without mentioning Drake, so hopefully she would reply back.

A few seconds later, my phone dinged with an incoming text.

Jade: Chloe! I’ve missed you, how have you been? It just started playing a few days ago, I’m so excited! We’ve been working on our first album!

Me: That’s great! I’m so proud of you guys. How is… everything?

Jade: Eh, I can’t really say much Chloe. I’m sorry, but I love you both and I don’t want to be caught in the middle.

Me: I know, and I’m sorry I asked.

Jade: It’s ok, I wish I could tell you. But I can’t so I won’t. I have to go, but I hope to see you soon!

I raised an eyebrow. She hoped to see me soon? As much as I loved Jade, I didn’t see that meeting anywhere in our future. I loved her like a sister, but I didn’t think I could stand to be around her right now. She would be just another reminder of Drake and I didn’t think I could handle it after seeing him again tonight.

“Well, what’d she say?” Amber asked.

“Uh, nothing really. She doesn’t want to be in the middle of us.”

“Well that sucks. Want me to text Adam?”

“No!” I shouted, “Just leave them out of it.”

Amber and Adam had surprised me. They hadn’t seen each other in months, but still talked occasionally. Adam wasn’t the type of guy to talk to any girl, and I had started to wonder if he wasn’t interested in Amber for more than just sex. I had mentioned this to Amber one day, but she just shrugged it off.

I had to admit that I was a bit jealous that she was still in contact with the band, but I never said anything. I didn’t want to ruin her happiness just because I had lost my own. Besides, I knew she would tell me if Adam mentioned Drake, but he never did.

Amber picked up her phone and started scrolling through her contacts.

“What are you doing?” I shrieked.

“Um, ordering pizza. I’m hungry, so sue me.”

“Oh, sorry. I thought… never mind.” I mumbled.

“Whatever freak.”

“Bitch.” I growled as I threw a pillow at her.

“Hey! I’m on the phone here!” She bellowed as she threw the pillow back at me.

I laughed as I caught it and stood up. “Get it with sausage, I’m starved.”

I waited until she started placing her order before slamming the pillow in her face and running from the room. I could hear her cursing and the mumbling apologies as I walked down the hall to my room; nothing like embarrassing your best friend to lift your spirits.

The next two weeks seemed to go in slow motion. It didn’t help that every time I turned the radio on, Drake’s song was playing. I decided that listening to my CD collection was a lot safer after the third day straight of hearing his voice coming out of the speakers in my car.

Classes were starting to get tougher and I threw myself into them with everything that I had. I was taking much harder courses this semester and they helped keep my mind off of Drake. Any distraction was welcome at this point; that stupid song had brought everything to the surface.

Amber was still breezing through with the easiest classes that she could get away with. Her mom was ready to strangle her for not taking school seriously, and the phone calls between the two of them were hilarious. Her mom called at least once a week to yell at her about applying herself to her studies and for some of the charges on that were showing up on her credit card. My personal favorite was the six-hundred dollar charge for an autographed poster of Avenged Sevenfold.

Since she had so much free time, Amber was constantly trying to drag me to parties. I hated going to parties, mainly because every guy there seemed to assume that I was there to hook up with someone. It had taken a drink to the face for the last one to take the hint; after that Amber decided to let me stay home more often.

Logan, being the overachiever that he was, was taking several of the same classes as me and Copyright 2016 - 2024