Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,100

couldn’t take that. My heart couldn’t take that.

I pulled the pillows off my head and strained my ears, trying to listen for Amber or Drake’s voice but I heard nothing but silence. I hoped that Amber had kicked him off the porch and shoved her four-inch spike heels up his ass to get the point across. I loved Amber; she always looked out for me in her own way.

I smiled as I pictured Amber trying to beat the crap out of Drake. Too bad I was hiding in my room; that would have been something I wanted front row tickets to see.

I jumped when someone knocked on my door. Amber swung the door open and gave me a small smile.

“You ok?” She asked as she walked across the room and sat at the foot of my bed.

“I’m fine. Did you get rid of him?”

“Yeah, I took care of it for you. I don’t want you hiding in here all night while I’m out; come back to the living room and get your Johnny on.”

I laughed as I sat up. “I wasn’t hiding.”

“Did you forget that I witnessed your mad dash down the hallway?”

“I wasn’t hiding… I was escaping.” I grumbled.

She laughed as she stood and pulled me to my feet. “Whatever, now go bond with your popcorn and Johnny before I drag you to the party with me.”

That was all it took to get my feet moving; I did not want to spend my night surrounded by drunken idiots. I let Amber drag me back down the hallway and into the living room. She stood in front of the chair as I plopped down on the couch and grabbed the remote.

“Thanks for being here for me Amber. I don’t think I would have made it through these last few months without you.”

“Uh, no problem. Listen…”

“I’m serious. We both know I was a fucking wreck and you helped me get my shit together. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from all of this, it’s that men are total and complete dicks.” I said as I clicked play and watched Johnny start dancing across my screen.

“Well, see Chloe…” She started again but I cut her off. It felt good to just put everything out there.

“Take my word for it, men are nothing but cold-hearted bastards. Look at Drake, I loved him more than anything and he just let me go. I hope he’s enjoying the good life out in Los Angeles without me; I hope he finds some nasty groupie that gives him every STD known to man.”

“Chloe, shut up!” Amber shouted.

“No, let her finish. I’m curious as to what else she has to say about me,” a voice said from behind Amber.

I froze at the sound of Drake’s voice. Amber moved away from the chair and I started cursing when I saw him sitting there with a grin on his face. Why me?

“In my defense, I tried to warn you.” Amber said.

“I thought you said you got rid of him!” I groaned.

“I said I took care of it. There’s a difference.”

“Whatever, I’m done talking now; both of you can go jump off a bridge.”

“No keep talking, I’d love to hear what else you wish upon my poor dick. That kind of hurts you know, I’m quite fond of that certain body part.” Drake said as he smirked at me.

I couldn’t believe him; he was sitting in my house making smartass comments, pretending like the last six months never happened.

“I want him out Amber, now.” I growled. I couldn’t believe that she had done this to me. I had been praising her not five minutes ago, and here she was, stabbing me in the back.

“Just listen to him, please. If not for him, then for yourself; you deserve that much.” She pleaded.

I stared back and forth between the two of them. My mind screamed at me to make him leave before he could do any more damage, but my heart was begging me to let him stay and listen to what he had to say.

“You have five minutes, after that I’m kicking you out.” I said.

“Works for me. I’m late for my party, so I’ll catch you two later.” Amber said as she winked at me.

I glared at her. I had thought she was on my side this whole time, yet here she was, taking up for Drake.

Drake waited until she walked out the front door before he turned to me. “Did you really want me to catch a bunch of sexually Copyright 2016 - 2024