Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,101

transmitted diseases?”

“You’re wasting your five minutes, I’m waiting.” I said as I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I couldn’t help but smile at Chloe’s stubbornness. It was one of my favorite things about her after all. I knew coming back here was a gamble, but I couldn’t stop myself; I had to know if she still wanted me.

“I’m not going to lie, I was hoping you would welcome me back with open arms.”

“Sorry to disappoint you. Why are you even here? Shouldn’t you be out snorting cocaine and banging the groupies? I figured you were living the typical rock star life by now,” she snapped.

“Yeah, I guess I deserved that didn’t I?” I asked. She raised an eyebrow but said nothing as she waited for me to continue. “And I assumed it would be obvious why I was here. I’ve missed you.”

“You’ve missed me? If you missed me so much, why didn’t you call me even once over the past six months?”

“Because I couldn’t. After you left, things started to get worse and I started using more. Then Eric got the call about the label out in L.A. wanting us to come out and my life went crazy from there.”

“I was waiting for Jade or one of the guys to call me and tell me you were dead from an overdose Drake. All this time, I’ve secretly worried about you and you couldn’t take two seconds out of your busy life to let me know you were ok? That’s bullshit.”

“At least that means you still care.” I mumbled, feeling like the biggest ass ever. I didn’t want to stay away from Chloe, but I had wanted the drugs more than anything.

“I did care, not anymore though. I’ve seen you, so you can go now.”

“Don’t you want to hear anything that I came here to say?”

“Not really Drake, you ripped my heart out once already; I don’t need to go through that again.”

“I never meant to hurt you, honest. You’re the most important thing in the world to me, but my judgment was clouded. I just miss you so much, and I know that I fucked up.”

“I don’t know what you want me to say to that Drake. I already made myself clear back on the bus; I don’t want anything to do with you while you’re on drugs. I can’t stop you from destroying your life, but I can still save mine,” she whispered as a tear slid down her cheek.

I wanted more than anything to wipe it away, but I knew she wouldn’t let me. That wall she used to keep people away was up and this time it was for me. I hated to think that I had hurt her to the point where she would never let me in again.

“I’m clean Chloe, I have been for a couple of months now.”

“What? Why didn’t you try to reach me then? Is it because you finally figured out you could do better than me?”

“You know better than that Chloe, I love you. Basically, the band and our manager threatened to fire me from the band if I didn’t get clean. I had already lost you, and they were the only thing I had left that mattered. I checked myself into a two month program and I’ve been clean since.”

“So let me get this straight; you cared enough about the band to go into rehab, but I wasn’t enough of a reason when I walked away from you?”

“No, it’s not like that Chloe. I knew I was in trouble, and it was just the final straw. I wanted to stay in the band, and I wanted to win you back.”

“How do I even know you’re telling me the truth about all of this? And if it is true, that means you’ve been out of rehab for a month without contacting me.”

I knew she wouldn’t believe me, so I had come prepared. I stood as I reached into the inside pocket of my jacket and pulled a piece of paper out. “If you want proof, then here it is. As for why I’m just now showing up, I wanted to make sure I could handle the outside world without falling back into my old habits. I didn’t want to come back and tell you I was clean, only to disappoint you again.”

She stood up and came a few steps closer to me, but only close enough to grab the paper out of my hand. I waited Copyright 2016 - 2024