Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,7

car until she met up with us. I was thankful that I wouldn’t have to drag all of this inside for her. I closed the trunk as the two guys came up to Chloe.

One of them ran to her and picked her up to swing her around. She laughed as he set her back down and pulled her into a tight hug.

“Chloe Bear! You’ve been away too long love!” He said as he released her and stepped back to look at her, “You’ve changed since the last time you were here, I don’t see that gangly teenager I used to know anywhere! You look good!”

She smiled up at him. “I missed you too Jordan, you grew up as well. I don’t remember you being so tall, or having so many muscles.”

My head shot up to take a closer look at this Jordan guy. From the warm welcome he had given her, I had assumed he was her cousin Danny. He was a big guy, probably around six-foot, five inches, and built like a football player. His dark hair was cut short and he had a face I knew most girls would fall for. This was not something I expected. She had only mentioned him and Danny in passing, but I had pictured him as kind of geeky, not someone girls would be dropping their panties for.

My eyes fell on her cousin Danny as he pulled Chloe into a hug. Now that I looked, I could see the resemblance between him and Chloe. They had the same blonde hair and blue eyes, but where Chloe was pale, this guy looked like he lived at the beach, which he probably did. He stood several inches shorter than Jordan and wasn’t nearly as built.

Danny pulled back as Jordan caught sight of me. “Who’s your friend over there Chloe?” he asked and I didn’t miss the emphasis he put on friend.

“This is my boyfriend Drake. Drake this is my cousin Danny and that beast of a guy over there is Jordan.”

I stepped forward and shook hands with both of them. Jordan seemed to be trying to break my hand when he shook it, but I didn’t show any trace of pain. I wasn’t about to let this guy get to me.

“Nice to meet you,” he said as he dropped my hand. He looked me over before wrinkling his nose and turning to throw his arm over Chloe’s shoulders. Yeah, I definitely didn’t like this guy.

“Come on Chloe Bear, Allison has dinner ready,” he said as he led her toward the house.

Danny gave me an apologetic smile as we followed them into the house.

I was blown away by the extravagance as we walked into the foyer. The floor was black marble and a large crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. The walls we covered in art and a statue stood against the far wall between two staircases. I followed the rest of the group into the dining area and sat down next to Chloe. Of course Jordan took the seat on the other side of her as Danny sat down across from us.

The beautiful handcrafted table was covered in enough food for ten people and a young woman wearing an apron was walking around the table, filling our glasses with some kind of expensive looking wine. I felt completely out of place. I’d rather be sitting at Gold’s eating a burger and having a couple of beers.

Chloe gave me an apologetic smile as Jordan set a piece of chicken on her plate. “Guys this is way too much. You didn’t have to go all dinner party on our behalf.”

“It’s no big deal. Your mom said you called her and said you would be here today so I wanted to make sure you had enough to eat after such a long trip,” Danny said as he grabbed a roll off the plate across from me.

Chloe’s mouth turned down in a frown at the mention of her mother. “Where is she?”

“Out, as usual. She’s been out partying almost every night. It’s a relief to get her out of here though. The woman is a nutcase,” Jordan said through a mouthful of food.

Since he didn’t seem to be worried about manners, I figured I didn’t have to worry about them either. I grabbed the first thing I saw, which was some kind of fish, and started eating. I tried to keep my elbows off the table as I shoveled the food in, hoping to look somewhat civilized.

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