Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,8

has she been?” Chloe asked.

Danny frowned. “The same as she always is. She’s all rainbows and kittens when my mom is awake, but as soon as she’s out of her sight, her inner bitch comes out full force. She tried to bring some guy here the other night, but Paul wouldn’t let him past the gate.”

“I’m sorry you have to deal with her Danny. I plan on getting rid of her as soon as possible. How’s Aunt Jen doing? Mom said she was bad.”

“She is. She sleeps most of the time. I don’t think she has much time left Chloe, there’s just no fight left in her. It kills me to see my mother, who is always so full of life wasting away like this.”

I saw tears in his eyes and looked away out of respect. I knew exactly how hard it was to lose your parents, but mine had died suddenly. I didn’t have to watch them waste away like he did. Death was a cold-hearted bastard.

We finished dinner as Chloe caught up with Danny and Jordan. Danny wasn’t the spoiled rich kid I had expected when I saw this place. Instead of staying home all day and spending his mommy’s money, he was enrolled full-time at Baltimore University in pursuit of a teaching degree. Jordan was attending Baltimore as well on a full ride football scholarship, which explained his bulk.

Danny seemed like a cool guy, but Jordan was another story. I caught him staring at Chloe several times in a way that made my blood boil. This guy was definitely an issue I intended to discuss with Chloe when we were alone. It was like watching Logan chase after her all over again.

When we finished dinner, I grabbed Chloe’s bags as they led us up one of the staircases and showed us to our rooms.

Danny asked if we wanted two separate rooms and I smirked at Jordan. “No thanks, I’ll keep her in my bed like I always do.”

Jordan’s nostrils flared, but he remained silent.

Take that fucker, I thought to myself.

Danny seemed unaware of the staring competition going on between Jordan and I as he continued. “Fair enough, you guys can have this room here. If you need anything, just let me know. Chloe knows where my room is.”

“Thanks Danny. Will I be able to see Aunt Jen tonight or should we wait until morning?” Chloe asked.

“She won’t wake up again tonight and she’ll probably sleep until later in the day tomorrow, but you can see her as soon as she wakes up. She’ll be glad you’re here, she’s been asking for you. We can go to the beach tomorrow to pass the time if you want, but we need to go early to avoid most of the tourists.”

“That sounds fun, but I didn’t bring my swimsuit with me,” Chloe said, sounding disappointed.

Jordan spoke up. “No problem, I’ll pick one up for you on my way here tomorrow.”

I didn’t like the sound of that and I started to speak up to tell him so, but Chloe was agreeing before I had the chance. “That would be great Jordan. Thank you so much.”

We told them goodnight as we stepped into the room and closed the door behind us. I sat her bags by the dresser and she started digging through one to find something to sleep in.

I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her body tight against mine. “Just sleep naked, it’s more fun that way.”

She aimed an elbow toward my ribs, but I stepped out of reach. “Not funny, what if someone walked in with me like that!”

I pulled her to me and kissed her. “Good point, but it doesn’t change the fact I want to get you naked.”

“You always want me naked, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. Danny is right down the hall and I’m sure Jordan is with him. They could hear us.”

I nuzzled her neck. “So, let them. Jordan needs to know you’re taken so he’ll back off.”

She pushed me back gently. “Don’t worry about Jordan, that’s just how he is. I only have eyes for you, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to have wild crazy monkey sex with you when my cousin is down the hall.”

I groaned as I fell on to the bed. “Fine, but I still don’t like the way that guy looks at you. You need to tell him to back off. I don’t feel comfortable leaving you here with him by Copyright 2016 - 2024