Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,6

them about watching her back. If I couldn’t be there, I intended to make sure she was fully protected.

“Will you stop staring at me? You’re making me nervous!” Chloe said as she glanced over at me.

“What if I don’t want to? Maybe I like looking at you.”

She snorted. “Because of my amazing looks? Try again buddy.”

I glared at her. “Don’t do that.”

“Do what?” she asked, confused.

“Put yourself down like that. You’re beautiful Chloe, the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. You’re always so hard on yourself and I know it’s because of your mom, but don’t listen to anything she has ever said to you. She has no idea what an amazing person you are.”

“Are you hoping to get laid by charming my pants off? Because if so, it’s working,” she said as she sent a grin my way.

I felt my dick twitch at the thought as I returned her grin. “I’m holding you to that when we get there. Or we can just pull over somewhere and take care of things.”

“Drake Allen! I am NOT pulling over someplace to have sex with you! And you’re going to have to wait awhile, because I’m certainly not having sex in my dying aunt’s house! That’s just disrespectful,” she glared at me, but I could see her lips twitching.

“I never said it had to be in the house you know.”

She laughed. “You’re insatiable, you know that right? I need to stop and get gas at the next exit unless you want to get out and push us the rest of the way.”

“Fine, but you know, since we’ll be pulled over…”

“Not happening buddy, keep it in your pants.”

The rest of the trip went smoothly. We stopped in Frederick and a small town called Easton to fill up the car and stretch a bit, but other than that we drove straight through. By the time we started seeing the signs for Ocean City, my ass was completely numb and it was dark outside. I knew Chloe was tired and I had offered to drive part of the way but she declined, saying that the driving took her mind off of things.

When she told me we were roughly ten minutes from her aunt’s house, I nearly jumped out of the car then and there. They were the slowest ten minutes of my life as we weaved in and out of traffic, searching for street signs to direct us. Chloe’s aunt didn’t actually live in Ocean City, she was on the mainland by the bay, just a few miles away from the Ocean Gateway. Chloe struggled in the darkness to find the right road to turn down and we accidentally passed it once before realizing our mistake and turning back.

As we pulled up a narrow driveway to the house my mouth dropped. It wasn’t a house, it was a freaking mansion. The property was surrounded by a privacy fence and I noticed a guard station next to a locked gate as we got closer. Chloe pulled up next to the guard station and rolled her window down.

A man dressed in black slacks and a button up shirt came out of the station and approached our car. “Can I help you?”

“Yes, I’m here to see my Aunt Jennifer,” Chloe said.

The guard looked down at the clipboard in his hand. “What’s your name?”

“Chloe Richards.”

The guard checked his list before nodding. “I’ve got you right here, go ahead in and I’ll let them know that you’re here.”

With that, he walked to the gate and opened it so that we could enter. As soon as we were through, he closed it and returned to his post.

“Just what does your aunt do? Is she part of the mafia or something?” I asked as we made our way up the rest of the driveway.

She giggled. “No, definitely not Mafia. My uncle was heavy into real estate and the stock market before he died. He handled his money wisely and left my aunt millions.”

“Wow, I’m impressed,” I said as we pulled up in front of the mansion. It was a three-story Adobe style home with red Spanish tiles. The driveway looped around in front of it and a fountain sat in the center.

Chloe shut the car off just as two guys stepped out of the front door and made their way over to us. We got out and I went to the trunk and started grabbing a couple of suitcases she wanted to take inside, but the majority would be staying in the Copyright 2016 - 2024