Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,5

hell was that for?” he said as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Thanks for helping. Now get out of here, I’ll see you guys in a couple of days.”

They waved and wished Chloe luck in dealing with the psycho as they left. I had given them the short version of the story and they were as appalled as I was over the whole mess.

We watched them pull back down the street and I cringed as Adam nearly took out an oncoming car. I shook my head as we walked to Chloe’s car and got in.

“If Adam drives when they come to pick me up, I have a feeling we’re going to all be stuck riding in your car with Adam strapped on top.” I said as she started the car.

“He can’t be that bad,” she laughed.

“Oh trust me, he is. If he keeps a car six months before totaling it, it’s a miracle. I won’t even let him ride in mine.”

“Wow, guess you guys better watch your bus then. How did the band even manage to get that thing anyway? It had to cost a fortune.”

I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat. “We’re only renting it.”

“Yeah but still, even just renting it had to cost a lot.”

I figured I might as well just get this out of the way now, I knew she’d be upset when she learned I had kept something like this from her.

“Ipaidforit,” I said in a rush.


I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. “I said I paid for it. I used my money to rent it for the trip.”

She gave me a confused look. “How did you pay for something like that? No offense, but a struggling musician in college doesn’t have that kind of cash.”

“Well, see the thing is, my parents left me some money when they died. My dad’s best friend was a lawyer at the firm he worked at and invested it for me. My uncle has control over it until I turn twenty-one, but he sent me enough to cover the tour expenses and the bus.”

“How much money are we talking about here Drake?” she asked.

“I don’t know the exact dollar amount, but it’s right around half a million by now.”

Her mouth dropped open. “So basically, we’ve been together for three months and you failed to mention you’re loaded? Were you afraid I was going to use you for your money or something?”

I could hear the hurt in her words as she spoke. “No, nothing like that. I know you would never do something like that, it’s just not something that I talk about. Besides, I don’t even have it yet. When I do, I don’t intend on spending it, I’ll just leave it where it is and let it grow. I might need it for retirement someday the way the economy is.”

“Wow, I don’t even know what to say to that. Who knew I would be dating a rich guy? She laughed. “I guess that makes you my sugar daddy.”

I breathed a sigh of relief as I realized she wasn’t mad. “I’ll be your sugar daddy any day babe.”

I settled back into my seat to get comfortable for the rest of the six-hour trip in a cramped car. We were silent for a while and I passed the time by watching Chloe as she drove. She seemed nervous, constantly fidgeting and changing the CD in the stereo. I couldn’t really blame her, she had a dying aunt to say goodbye to and a crazy ass mother who would be out for blood in a matter of days.

I didn’t really know a lot about Andrea since she hated talking about her, but what I did know was all bad. I don’t think she had even one good memory about her mother or her childhood and that made my heart break for her. How could anyone not love my girl? Sure, she had her issues, we all did, but to completely hate her like her mother did? It was unacceptable to me. Chloe had to be one of the kindest and sweetest people I had ever known.

If the band hadn’t had these tour dates scheduled for months in advance, I would have stayed with her the entire time to protect her. I didn’t want her to face anything on her own, especially not a situation involving her mother. She had mentioned something about her cousin Danny and his friend Jordan being there and I fully intended to talk to both of Copyright 2016 - 2024