Twice a Wish (Goddess Isles #2) - Pepper Winters Page 0,7

stop it.

We were just as bad as the other.

Exploding in pleasure, only to begin the climb again the moment we went lax. After he’d taken me from behind and over his lap, he pushed me possessively onto the thick pile of furs.

The exquisite sensation of soft plushness made more tears spring to my eyes. Tears full of gratitude that such softness existed. My tears soon turned to pleas for another release as the coiling, curdling want drove me mad.

The man mounted me again, sliding in deep until he pushed my hips into the ground.

He drove into me, wedged high on his hands and looking down at me prone beneath him. The darkness of his gaze hid the depths I’d seen before. But it didn’t mean I couldn’t sense how he felt. Somehow, someway, he’d not only given me his body but his heart too.

I knew that.

Without any doubt or question, this scary prehistoric man had fallen in love with me.

I tasted it in each kiss. I heard it in each groan. I saw it in the way he watched me come undone, and how his fingers still bruised me, his cock still owned me, yet he wanted more than just my body.

He drove into me with single-minded determination, as if he could crack me open and claim my soul. With each thrust, his eyes glowed with warmth and undying need. He stared at me as if he wanted to kill me for making him weak.

The complex riot of emotions he suffered made me quake outward, moaning as my body wrung out every heavenly pulse.

I was too drunk on elixir to question how our hearts had become entangled. Too at the mercy of primal greed to fully understand.

All I knew was that each time we came together, each touch and kiss, we created our own little universe. And as more time poured its sand through whatever hourglass that’d trapped us in this place, we lost ourselves further.

This drive between us had started as animalistic need, poured down my throat against my will, but now we shared a startling intimacy.

A communion that sent electricity crackling from his fingers into my skin. Connection that linked us by golden, gleaming strings, bringing us together again and again.

* * * * *

My ninth orgasm was spent on his tongue.

The huge breadth of his shoulders wedged between my thighs. His face between my legs. I combusted under his teeth as he bit me. I jerked his hair as he inserted three fingers. I screamed as he feasted.

* * * * *

My tenth release came from his voice alone.

Tucked against his body, allowing us time to scoop up our shattered pieces, he kissed my temple, and whispered, “You are incomparable. I can’t stop wanting you. I want to live inside you forever.”

My core used his words as a literary phallus, feathering and flexing, granting me yet another pleasure-pain explosion.

* * * * *

My eleventh climax came from his sudden aggression.

Plucking me from the fur-cosy bed, he scooted me down his body. I shivered where he touched me. I arched my spine and rolled my hips for him to mount, but he gritted his teeth, wrapped his fist in my hair, and slowly but fiercely pushed my mouth to his groin.

“Suck me. Fuck…suck me.”

His teeth sank into his bottom lip as I obeyed.

He grunted as my lips encircled him, and my tongue slipped down his salty length. My hair tumbled around me as his fingers spasmed with bliss.

The power of sucking him.

The beauty of looking up the chiselled belly of a man on the brink of erotic violence made my body fragment. I spindled and pulverised, coming in bursting waves of shivers and spice.

* * * * *

My twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth orgasm were spent in an interlude of dreamy passion.

After we traded mutual fellatio and the sensuous grinding of missionary, we flopped beside each other. Surrounded by furs and fire, we rested for a while, staring at the ceiling and its network of cracks and waterlines, doing our best to recover.

But our breathing remained uneven. Our awareness of each other far too intense.

I wanted to relax. I rubbed at my heart to stop skipping with its unnatural beat, but it was no use. I shook from an overloaded system. I grew weak from using up all my reserves.

I wanted to sleep, but my core still ached to release. My body hadn’t reached satisfaction. I was still a slave to Sully’s nightmarish elixir.

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