Twice a Wish (Goddess Isles #2) - Pepper Winters Page 0,8

the next round.

Me who rolled on top of him while he lay with his eyes closed and shaggy hair strewn on the furs.

Me who straddled him, cupped him, and inserted him deep inside me until his belly tensed with need. I rocked my hips, digging my fingernails into his chest as I crashed through another two releases.

He kept his eyes closed as if he didn’t have the willpower to watch me use him. As if he didn’t want to give me the final pieces of whatever shattered heart still tinkled behind his ribs.

But I stole them anyway.

Because I was his goddess.

And that was my elixir-granted magic.

* * * * *

My sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth release arrived in a flux of fierce ferocity.

I’d crawled from the furs, seeking another kind of need. For the first time in hours, my body craved something other than sex. The elixir finally lost its tenacious grip, and thirst for water became paramount.

The leather cuff around my ankle scuffed the earthen floor as I traversed to the side of the cave and collected a rudimentary carved cup. Not far from the pile of utensils waited a large shallow dish, catching the drip, drip, drip of water trickling down the cave’s walls.

Scooping up a cupful, I drank the icy refreshment all in one go.

The chill hit my stomach, making me shiver.

The ability to feel other sensations other than desire made relief roll my shoulders.

I was sore and tired. My heart still felt strange, and my limbs shook from exhaustion. If the elixir was wearing off, could that mean I’d soon be freed from this place?

Would the caveman disappear, and I’d wake up in Sully’s arms on his Indonesian Islands? Would I still be his prisoner?

I ran my hands through my hair, pulling on the length, trying to hasten the process. Now I was no longer the elixir’s wanton slave, I blinked with remembrance…and shame.


Oh, my God.


I’d slept with another man.

No, not just slept.

I’d devoured another man.

We’d explored each other’s bodies to the point where I’d memorised every inch of his erection, his belly, his chest, his face. He’d tasted me, been inside me. He’d claimed me more thoroughly than anyone before him.

And I’d done it willingly.


Oh, no.

I buried my face into my hands, shaking my head.

What have I done?

Hands snatched my waist, jerking me into a tower of muscle. “Don’t wake up…not yet. I’m not finished with you.” Fisting my wrist, he flung me against the cave wall, smearing my skin with icy water and muddy residue.

I gasped.

I sank under the elixir’s spell again as he grabbed my face and kissed me recklessly, ruthlessly, desperately.

I kissed him back.

My mind flickered with images of Scott, Sully, and this stranger.

I preferred it when my mind was quiet. When my body was master and everything inside was silent. This time, it was hard to shut it off, drowning under rights and wrongs as I burned through the last few drops of elixir.

“Not yet. I don’t want to give you up just yet,” the man snarled into my mouth, hoisting me up until my legs wrapped around his hips. With our eyes locked, he impaled me on him, pinning me against the wall, his forehead knotted and gaze wild.

All softness and gentleness vanished.

He rode into me, and I couldn’t do a thing to stop it.

How horrible that I’d been with this man for hours—that we’d shared a level of intimacy that I’d never known. Yet now that the drug that’d made me pliant had faded, I squirmed to get away. “No…I’m—”

His mouth plundered mine, his hips pistoned faster, he shoved me headfirst into another blistering climax.

“Not yet. Not yet,” he chanted, pressing his forehead to mine as he drove faster, deeper. In a rush of power and speed, he ripped me from the wall and carried me back to the pile of furs, still inside me. There, he dropped to his knees, withdrew for a moment to plant me on all fours before surging back inside me. “Stay mine. Fuck.” He rutted into me, disrupting the visions of my life before this, scattering my shame over Scott.

Silence crushed my worries as I rocked back, mewling with renewed need and spreading my legs for deeper penetration.

His fingers found my clit, rough and unforgiving, ripping yet another lacerating release through my core. My arms gave out, and once again, I found my cheek pressed into fur while my hips stayed high for his use.

I looked back, hypnotised by the way his face scrunched Copyright 2016 - 2024