Twice a Wish (Goddess Isles #2) - Pepper Winters Page 0,6

the fierce way he held me.

His hips soared forward, stabbing his erection deeper. “I’m yours.”

I cried out, only to have his mouth capture mine.

“Just like you’re mine.” He fed the words into my mouth, kissing me brutally deep.

The second his tongue pierced my lips, I spindled outward.

My third orgasm caught me completely by surprise, but in a way, I should’ve expected it. To know that I lived on the permanent edge of shattering.

His tongue swept deeper, kissing me ruthlessly. My eyes rolled back, and my internal muscles squeezed his cock in reply, in welcome.

I came.

Over and over, wave after wave, heaven and ecstasy all in one.

He vibrated around me, his rhythm staying fierce and deep, thrusting into me even as I came apart. His kiss never stopped, his tongue tasting all my shadows, his teeth biting my bottom lip, his finesse as archaic as mine.

Wrapping my arms around his head, I deepened the kiss.

With every minute that ticked past, each rock of our bodies and tangle of our tongues, my mind gave up its fight to boycott this illusion.

It accepted that the fire was real, the cave was real, this man was real.

Sully and his Goddess Isles had been the dream. The nightmare.

I accepted that my world was no longer firmly based in truth but had deviated into nonsensical.

And that was okay.

Because I couldn’t keep fighting anymore.

My strength had popped. My disbelief fading beneath the pulsing demand of my body.

And with that freedom, the second part of elixir came into effect.

First, it stole my senses. It made sex my only reason for existing. But the second part, the part that hadn’t occurred when I’d been alone in my villa, sobbing in agony and struggling to relieve myself, cannonballed through my ribcage.


The final tethers of society’s requirements, the mess of political correctness, and the strain of living in a world filled with stresses fell away.

I found freedom.

True freedom.

Freedom from my own thoughts and expectations. Freedom from my need to run from this because it was wrong.

It wasn’t wrong.

I chose it.

I chose to unzip the body of a girl who’d been terrified and stolen and, instead, stepped into the goddess Sully wanted me to be.

I didn’t do it for him.

I didn’t even do it for me.

I did it because it offered such tranquillity to the pandemonium in my heart.

Our kiss set fire to every cuff and leash I’d wrapped around myself and incinerated them to dust. Its flames reached deep into my core, to the nest of monsters with their demon blood-red eyes whose only creation was to climax, and burned their cage to the ground, encouraging a fourth release to curl my toes and make me buckle in the man’s arms.

He held me closer, driving into me.

The rhythmic clenches of my orgasm weren’t as severe as the previous three, granting a breather from the overwhelming intensity, but it did grant a strange kind of gift.

Somehow, I eclipsed my basic existence of a girl being devoured by a caveman and hovered as an entity above us.

I saw myself as an outsider would.

I watched a lusty woman rock on the lap of an equally lusty man.

I witnessed the straining and coupling of two creatures who didn’t give a fuck what the world thought of them. In their cave, they were safe to be who they wanted and do what they needed.

She looked like a queen. A wild-haired, sensually savage queen while he looked like a barbarian. A gladiator with scars and tragedies, his prowess and power fogging the rustic cave around them.

He was unconquerable. Huge and hulking, muscled and mighty, but he held the woman, he held me, as though I granted his every wish and dream.

Sully was right.

Euphoria wasn’t the magic his guests paid for.

It was the goddess they were paired with.


I was the alchemist, the priestess, and the witch.

And the man was utterly under my spell, just as I was under his.

I groaned as he arched his hips with thick desire, making my skin heat and thoughts scatter. As I let go of ideas and conclusions, I suffered a final realisation, the last shocking truth.

I was worshipped.



I threw my head back and gave in.

* * * * *

Time lost all power in our faraway cave.

My fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth orgasm were delivered in quick succession. Falling like ill-spent coins, glittering and spinning, crashing and bouncing on the floor.

Each one manipulated my system until my heart thudded sporadically and my nervous system threatened to shut down.

Too much.

Too intense.

Too often.

But I couldn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024