Tripping (Iced #2) - Kristine Allen Page 0,53

had danced a few times with Dmitry, and I’d tried to keep an eye on them. It was hard in the group of large men and their families. They disappeared from my sight for a while, and I tried not to worry.

“You ready to go?” Cam finally whispered in my ear. He must’ve been able to tell I was fading fast. The alcohol had gone straight to my head thanks to Crimson and me skipping supper in lieu of deliciously sinful stadium snacks. I was more than tipsy.

Nodding, I lifted my slightly unfocused gaze to his eyes that I couldn’t get enough of. A tired smile lifted my cheeks. “You are so pretty,” I drawled.

He chuckled and tapped a finger to my nose.

“All right, everyone, we’re out of here!” he called. Crimson grabbed my arm and spoke in my ear, telling me she was staying.

“Just be careful,” I said quietly, then Dmitry came up behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist. Watching them, I hoped she didn’t think that was going anywhere but bed.

“I’m a big girl, Bleu,” she said with a brilliant smile. I carefully studied her through my alcohol haze to determine whether she was sober enough to make that decision.

“Yeah, I’m out too,” Kris said, looking at his watch. We said our goodbyes and headed to the door. Kris followed us outside, and we all paused.

“It was nice to have you join us, man,” Cameron said to Kris. They did the whole half-hug-dude-embrace.

Kris stepped back, shoved his hands deep in his pockets, and pulled his shoulders up toward his ears. “Yeah, it was cool. But I really gotta go.”

“Dude, is everything okay? Is there something going on that you need me to help you with?” Cameron sounded extremely concerned, and I wondered what was going on.

Kris darted an uncomfortable glance in my direction as he snorted a humorless laugh. “Nah. There’s nothing you can do. I’m good. I just have some shit I’m trying to get straight. It’ll work out.”

Cam frowned but decided to let it drop. Maybe because I was there.

“See you tomorrow at practice,” he said as he gave us a wave. Then he walked down the road in the opposite direction. Cam watched him until he climbed into a truck and the taillights lit up.

Cameron sighed heavily and spun us toward his vehicle. The rapid motion had me clutching him tighter until the world stopped spinning.


“Easy there, drunky,” he said with a humorous snort. Feeling absolutely wonderful, I gave him a sappy smile.

“Congratulations again on the game,” I said, trying to control the slight slur in my speech as we strolled down the sidewalk. We must’ve looked like two teenagers with his arm around my shoulders, mine around his waist, my hand tucked into the back pocket of his black slacks. My other hand held his where it draped over my shoulder.

“Thanks, babe. I wish we’d scored in the third period, but I’ll take it.” We reached his car, and he leaned me up against it, caging me in as he rested his hands on the roof. “You should stay at my place tonight. I’ll take care of your drunk ass and take you to work in the morning on my way to practice,” he said as he nuzzled my ear. Chills broke out at his touch. I loved it when he did that.

“I don’t have any of my stuff,” I said. My eyes drifted shut as I blissfully enjoyed the sensations of his lips and teeth on my skin.

“What do you need? We can stop at a store and pick up anything I don’t have.”

Exasperated at his ability to forget that us mere mortals couldn’t spend money like that, I sighed. “That’s not possible for me right now.”

Abruptly he moved back, and I whined in disappointment.

“Why not?” he asked with a frown. Even frowning, he was so gorgeous he took my breath away and made me want to play naked Tarzan on his body. It was temporarily distracting, and I completely forgot what he was asking.

“Because it’s not in my budget,” I explained as if he was a small child and blinked to try to focus.

“What if I take you to your house to get your things?”

“Cameron! It’s already almost midnight. By the time we get there and back to your place it will be too late. I work tomorrow. Why don’t you just stay with me? You have most of your stuff in your trunk anyway,” I reasoned. He groaned Copyright 2016 - 2024